Some things you just can't unsee

Like just now while searching for info on migraines I saw the title “Chronic Headaches caused by a Centipede in the Nose.” Of course I clicked on it, it was like slowing down to look at an auto accident, it was there I could not not look. Fortunately, I was spared because the link took me to one of those med journals* where you actually have to subscribe to read the article, but still I could not unsee the words, “Chronic Headaches caused by a Centipede in the Nose.” I’m sure they will be ringing in my head for days to come. During my next headache or sneezing fit, “Chronic Headaches caused by a Centipede in the Nose.” As my lover is gettin’ busy, “Chronic Headaches caused by a Centipede in the Nose.”. Just as I am drifting off to sleep … “Chronic Headaches caused by a Centipede in the Nose.”.
Yes, I only posted this so those of you crazy enough to read this thread can share my misery. Perhaps you could pass on the torture by sharing some of your things that you could not unsee? Let’s try to keep it minimally gruesome, like on a “Chronic Headaches caused by a Centipede in the Nose” scale.
*BTW, any medical types who might subscribe to that medical journal who could view that link and see if there are pictures with the articel? GYAH! Stop it! throttles brain

Unsee and un-remember…

Two Girls One Cup,
Lotus Boob (and the various manifestations)
Harlequin foetus,
My Parent’s Nakedness

To name a few.

Just read the article. It’s a very short piece from 1898. The most pertinent section is the treatment:

Now you know how to cure it.

Well, that’s a relief, thanks. I think I have some boric acid and menthol in the house. Since it was from 1898 maybe there just aren’t that many cases of “Chronic Headaches caused by a Centipede in the Nose” anymore?

I hope.

Hey Wile E, what about the eggs?

Lotus boob. Yikes. That’s the only one that ever disturbed me. Is there a name for a phobia of lots of little holes all stuck together?


I don’t know, but I have that phobia.

I’d never put the words together before, but I am bothered by things that look like honeycomb or other insectile lots-of-little-holes-stuck-together things.
I fricking hate centipedes. Thank, Wile E. At least it wasn’t a house centipede in her nose. I’d never ever sleep without a gas mask again if it was.

“Lotus boob”?

Do I want to know?

But if you must know…NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH! NSFW! h ttp:// NSFW!

FBIP. I saw a discussion a few years ago on another board, where some medical types were going on about the worst things they’d dealt with. And there was a chorus of agreement for that acronym.
Finally, after whetting my curiousity, someone did define the term. Foreign Body in Penis. :eek:

My sister used to work for a company that makes medical videos. She once told me that she had to look at a lot of images of disected penises. Some of the stuff she described really makes me flinch to think about.

As a result of being a member of a certain other MB I’ve seen things I wish not to have seen.

I’ve mentioned a couple. Some others that came (unasked) back to mind are… A video of a suicide bomber going off, a beheading, a stoning, a person being shot in the face, a person sticking a gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger.

And inevitably my mind is now actively searching through long-term memory for more things I can’t unsee.

No you don’t. Makes my skin itch just thinking about it. Screwed me up for a whole day after seeing it, even though I knew it was fake.

It isn’t so much little holes next to each other usually, it’s what’s inside em. Honeycomb doesn’t bother me. A honeycomb full or larvae tho…

In a boob.

That’s what puts the icing on the cake (so to speak) for me.

Gruesome but faked - see Snopes h ttp://

The one that had me twitching for days was the picture of fingers that had supposed been worn through from too much typing.

(Someone had photoshopped the mouth parts of some hideous seacreature on them.)

It’s on snopes somewhere, if you want to see it. I’m not going looking.



I was thinking of that one too. They were lamprey mouths, I think.

Batman Forever.