Some website size questions

That didn’t stop Microsoft from patenting the double-click. :slight_smile:

According to The Onion, MS has also patented ones and zeros. What’s next?

I’m scared to think what Billy has up his sleeves. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, so far so good. I’ve centered the whole thing, and I’ve realized the table will expand to what ever content is inside of it. There are several of these CSS tricks I’d like to do, but it’s best I learn to crawl before I learn to walk. I’d like to get the basic concepts down, and then try and trick it up with some CSS. I’m going to start with the 2 cell table, with an Iframe in the bottom cell, then figure out if it’s better in CSS, and if so how to do it. Then I’ll need to use a different font, and do the margin stuff.

Ok, next question.

Should I make the iframe transparent? Or, do I take my background image (originally the background of the tablecell) and now make it the background of the iframe. Will things line up correctly if I do it this way?

I ask this because I saw that transparent only works in IE and netscape.

Why use an iframe at all?

Check out this site I made. That’s a DIV, not an iFrame.

I think iFrame is “depricated”, isn’t it? Please someone correct me if I’m wrong. I never learned how to use them because I started HTML in about 1997, at which time I read they were going out of style.

You can see the CSS here

That scrolling div’s CSS is:

#content {
	color: #000000;
	font-family: verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
	font-size: 12px;
	border: 1px none #000000; 
	/*comment out for netscape */
	overflow-y: auto; 
	overflow-x: auto; 
	overflow: auto;
	/* end comment */
	padding-left: 5px;
	padding-right: 5px;

The DIV sits inside a table cell who’s backround is an image.

Feel free to use the CSS on that site. Only if you use the images, I’ll bite yer legs off!

In this case since your background is effectively just a colour, you could make the iframe transparent or you could just use the same background in the iframe page. Since the colour will be same you don’t have to worry about anything lining up. If it was a tiled pattern or something, then you’d have to do a transparency.

Is that what you were asking?


Ah yes, that’s very nice. World Eater, ignore the iframe and do what he’s done :slight_smile:


I’m not sure your solution will still work in all cases. On my site, I have an iframe which is used to display dynamic content generated by a script. I don’t think this could be done with your technique as the content would have to hard-coded into the html. Might there be a way to specify an external source in the css class?

This what I have so far. Notice the iframe background is off by a hair. Are you suggesting that I move the Iframe to the center of the tablecell (is that possible?) use the thinline.gif for the tablecell background, and the blue color from the tablecell background as the iframe background? So the Iframe is about 1/2 inch shy of each side of the tablecell it sits in.

The CSS stuff is slowly making some sense, but I’ll find the code for a layout and it will have a million ******** telling me I need to do all these crazy work arounds for different browsers. Which technique will reach more eyeballs?

SHE :wink:

All of my stuff is dynamic. Granted it’s ASP…not sure what kind of dynamic scripts you’re talking about, Trig. But every bit of text and some of the graphics even on that site are pulled from a database. Like so:

<td background=image.gif>
<div id=content>

You can put anything you want inside a Div. Even a SSI call. Just make sure it all fits together right.

Thanks, I’m revesrse engineering it now. :smiley:

**ZipperJJ **

She - got it!

OKay, I realize the entire page could be generated dynamically, but that’s not quite what I mean. I have a shoutbox which allows a user to input a comment and then have it displayed in real time on the same page (along with previous comments from other users). The shoutbox takes the user input and appends it to a file - this file, har har clever - serves as the iframe source.

Do you see what I’m talking about? I don’t think this could be done with your “css iframe”.

Thanks for the help all, I’m going to have to take this home and play around with it for awhile, this CSS stuff is making my eyes glaze over a bit, it’s not really registering for some reason.

Can’t Photoshop, doesn’t Photoshop have an optimizing add-on? :confused:

Ah, I dig. I’m not used to updating pages in that way, so I see where I got confused.

I don’t think World Eater is to that point just yet (from what I can tell, he’s hoping to set up a very un-dynamic site) so using the CSS-formatted DIV should work just fine. And I’m sure we can come up to a good solution to updating a CSS-formatted DIV from a text file if we think real hard :wink:

How am I doing so far? Not too shabby. It looks like I need to specify the height of the iframe, otherwise it gives a scrollbar if it’s too short. Anyway I can let it go as long as the content?

It looks great. I’m not seeing any scrollbars though…should I be?

I’m not a big fan of scrollbars for some reason, so you shouldn’t see many. I don’t mind them on the side, but not smack in the middle of my graphics (least if I can help it) :stuck_out_tongue:

Right now I’m fiddling around trying to define the different types of text, and trying to hone down the font I like best, and figuring out the link stuff.

I have two questions as of the moment.

  1. The iframe I’m using. Is there a way to let the content dictate the height of it? Right now if it’s too short, I get the dreaded scrollbar, but the only way to expand it, is to give it the height value some huge number. I could just wait until the content is in, and then specify the height last, but I was wondering if there was a better way to do it. I also think I’d have less rendering problems if the content dictates the size, because a fixed size always brings problems.

  2. I usually like to make the names of the songs links, and a different color then hyper links (usually yellow). I’ve already specified my A:link A:visited and A:hover in my CSS (white), so what do I do if I want to make a link a different color? Can I make some exception and use the DIV or Span tag?

I’m really excited with this stuff, and how things are turning out. I certainly couldn’t have done it without everyone in here.

The quick way is to do:

<a href=link.html><font color=red>text</font></a>

Or you can set up a new style for other links:

{color: red;}
{color: red; text-decoration: underline;}
{color: pink;}
<a href=link.html class=redlink>text</a>

Thanks much!

I owe you guys and gals a drink.

Silly question but why is the redlink white?