So I heard Eleanor Clift bloviating about how “Green Jobs” were going to save the American economy. And of course, Obama appointed a “Green Jobs” czar, and will presumably appoint another now that this one crashed and burned.
I’ve heard enough about ‘Green Jobs’ from lefties that I guess they think this is some kind of big deal - a way forward in the future to have the U.S. leapfrog the world and create a new industry that will save it from job erosion and the ravages of international competition.
The problem, so far as I can tell, is that it’s complete nonsense. It seems to me to be little more than political creation - a way to tell the voters that voting ‘green’ won’t hurt them in the pocketbook. Why, we’ll regulate industry, rid the world of CO2, AND make a pile of money! Win-win!
Liberals apparently take this seriously enough for the President to be expending considerable effort on it. So I would like to know: How exactly do ‘Green Jobs’ save the U.S. economy? What is it about them that makes the U.S. any more protected from international competition than any other job? What does a ‘Green Job’ even look like? Am I to understand that the U.S. government is simply going to create a whole new high-tech industry through the sheer brilliance of the Obama administration - one that no other capitalists or investors have thought of?
I’d like some detail, please. Maybe an example of a ‘green job’? An explanation of how it is profitable?