Someone Needs to Invent

I was wondering about this a while ago and found out that ring/pop-top cans are slightly more expensive and are not liked by a significant percentage of consumers.

I’ve noticed that there is ALWAYS a bag of socks on the store shelf where someone has ripped the bag open to check - something.

Actually - I can sort of sympathize. I’ve had to return too many socks because the the size range on the bag was highly optimistic. Or the top had a band of elastic sized to go onto a 2" pipe!

OreIda needs to gets its act together and put ziplock closures on their tater tots and frozen French fries bags. The bag instructions talk about making either a full bag or half bag, but we make only one or two servings at a time. Their bags are very thick and hard to close with a twist tie.

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I wonder if these would work.

SOMEONE NEEDS TO INVENT: An email editor that automatically deletes unnecessary copies of an email chain.

You send me (and others) and email with something like: When will xyz be ready?
I respond to all: In two weeks.
Someone else responds to all: Could you pull that ahead?
So on and so forth.

Before long, my inbox is filling up with multiple copies of email chains.

I’d just look at the subject lines and delete the old ones - but people have been known to trim their emails before they send.

So someone needs to invent a system that knows when the content of an older email is completely contained in the content of a newer one - and deletes the older one.

I wonder if this is theoretically possible, I have thought about this many times.

I would like to see some kind of algorithm tracker that would flash pictures in front of you and then measure your responses. It would respond by showing more of what you responded to the strongest. It wouldn’t require any voluntary response.

For some purposes we have that. Penile plethysmography

I am not convinced it has much practical utility.

Heh. I wore one for several sleep studies in which I was a normal control. The study was comparing nocturnal penile tumescence in normal males and males with erectile dysfunction. I made some good money; I was an undergrad being paid $300-$400 a night to sleep with an EKG/EEG/penis ring.

There’s the flaw in the study right there.

A car horn tone that means OOPS, SORRY ABOUT THAT! Maybe a tweedle tweedle sound.

…A universally acknowledged sarcasm font.

An email client that deletes emails when they are no longer relevant.

Not for personal email, mind you, but for “special offers” or “weekly coupons/codes” that are going to be completely irrelevant at some point in the future. Just get rid of them as soon as they’re useless.

Probably would take some AI to do it without sender assistance; so if we could figure out a way to incentivize senders to use an email header to do this, so much the better.

How about a personal communication scheme that is more useful and more practical than email?

Actually, I think what we need at this point is something that would automatically translate any preferred method of communication into all the current and no doubt future proliferating versions; so that I could send an email and magically reach not only the people who like email, but also all the people who will only read texts, the ones who only read facebook, the ones who expect to be notified via twitter or snapchat or whatever’s currently up next, the ones only on a land-line phone, and the couple of people who really wanted a hardcopy letter. Oh, yes, and the ones who would have noticed if it were in the newspaper. – and then have all their replies in their preferred methods get somehow translated into my email box. In legible form, please, not in a text attachment that mysteriously leaves out half of what they said.

I really think the last thing we need is yet another communication scheme; but I expect we’ll get at least another dozen or so of them anyway.

– I know there’s a relevant xkcd – ah, there it is.

In my job - granted, I am a software engineer - I look at email maybe twice a day, mostly to see if someone forgot how to communicate and occasionally, if bored, to mark notification emails as “read”.

All communications are on Slack, where you can choose what channels that contain information you care about to be part of. Discord, which grew off a gaming community coms app is similar.

Searchable, secure, convenient, threaded conversations - it is way better than email FWD FWD FWD Re: mail trails

When most of my department started to work from home, we started using Slack. We also use email, but Slack really is great. Each sub-group has a channel, and big projects get their own channel too.

Some things can be cooked on a car’s engine. Cooking great meals with your car engine. The heat is on.

For keeping your food warm, you’d just need something to hold it securely in one position on the engine without the food spilling.

Pneuber, a pneumatic delivery system for meals, groceries, meds, clean underwear, etc.

Rollout would be in Paris, reviving whatever infrastructure remains of the old system,