Someone tried to ram me off the road - What can I do

I was driving on 95 North, and some huge tour bus came up and was riding my bumper. I’m talking like 2 feet here, it was crazy. I was in the middle lane, and said “well buddy if you’re in a rush, drive around”, because I was already speeding. He swings around to pass on the right, flips us the bird, and starts turning left to cut me off. I jammed on the breaks, but we still got clipped. Off he zoomed. I floored it and drove after him doing about 80 because I wanted to wave him over to the side so we could go fisticuffs . My girlfriend called 911, but her cell phone was dying, and of course I didn’t have mine. We got someone on 911, described the plate, make and model, and then the phone died. I keep following him, but after creating probably more danger for the rest of the drivers on the road, we slowed down and pulled over. To my amazement there wasn’t any damage.

I can’t let this guy get away with it though, what can I do? I have all info I need.

Call the police, explain that you called 911 but the cell phone died, and report it as a hit and run. Call your insurance company and tell them that you’d like to have the car checked out for unseen damage. Call the bus company and get their insurance information. If you can’t call the bus company, let the police and your insurer handle it.

TL’s advice is good.

I don’t in any way wish to seem as if I’m condoning the bus driver’s behavior, which is obviously unconscionable, but:

Some section of 3-lane (each way) Interstate highways are marked with signs that say “No trucks, buses or trailers in left lane.” If this was one of those sections, then driving in the middle lane was, from the bus driver’s point of view, much the same as hanging in the leftmost of 2 lanes.

This could also explain why he passed you on the right. It doesn’t explain his contemptible attitude, however (quite rare among professional drivers, in my experience).

If you were in the middle lane and he was able to pass you on the right, you were in the wrong by not moving right and letting him pass. His tailgating was a (dangerous and rude) way of asking you to do that. I won’t excuse his rude, careless, and dangerous behavior, and you should complain to the bus company, but you bear a portion of the responsibility for a bad situation.

Considerate drivers stay right except to pass, and move right (when possible and safe) to let faster vehicles by. The fact that the faster vehicle may be exceeding the speed limit is none of your business, unless you are a cop.

It is my understanding that the middle lane is considered another “right lane” - you can go as slow as you would like. The driver handbook thingy for Oklahoma (about 4 or 5 years ago) made no mention of yielding to faster drivers if you are in the middle lane, only if you are in the left lane.

Did the road have 3 lanes each way, or 2? Does “middle lane” mean the inner of the two lanes, or second of the 3?

BTW, I wasn’t talking about law or regulation, but considerate road behavior. Also, IMO the fact that there is a free lane on the left as well as on the right is no excuse to stay in the middle lane when a faster vehicle is approaching, especially when it is substantially larger than yours. It is inconsiderate to force the driver of a larger vehicle to go around you, when you could more easily move right.

(Again, this is not to excuse the rude and dangerous behavior of the OP’s bus driver.)

TeaElle has good advice. You might also try calling the bus company’s customer service line. They probably have a process for handling complaints about their drivers. Since your complaint involves physical contact and not just rude driving, it should bump your complaint near the top of the heap.

Regardless of what, where or how World Eater and the bus where driving, the bus hit them and drove away. No judge will say ‘well you should have been in the right lane when you saw the bus approaching’ or ‘you were okay, the bus should have moved into the left lane.’ No matter how you look at it, it’s a hit and run, and if it can be proved (which may be rather difficult) the bus driver will probably end with a ticket.

If World Eater was in the middle lane constantly passing traffic, then he was driving correctly, even if there was a large gap: weaving in and out is bad. Further, just because the bus undertook him doesn’t mean that it was safe for WE to move into that lane. Remember your stopping distances.

When driving at 70 MPH it is no time to be spiteful or stubborn. Think of how much more difficult it is for a bus or truck to change lanes than your car. It’s people like you who consciously decide “no, I will not change lanes” that cause traffic problems. You should always yield to a faster vehicles; especially when it is 10 times bigger than you.

On the other hand, there is no excuse for trying to cut you off; and I am glad you, your girlfriend, and your car is alright. I agree with commasense here, the fact you were already speeding does not give you the right not to yield to a faster vehicle. Hopefully next time you will pull over, or even better would be to see the bus approaching and avoid the entire situation. If you didn’t notice the bus until it was 2 feet behind you, well, you were doing something wrong.

I don’t mean hijack the thread or anything, but I’ve never understood this attitude. I mean, I can’t see any positive results that might arise from that course of action. Best case scenario, you beat the crap out of the other guy and end up arrested for assault and battery. Worst case scenario, you get the crap beaten out of you. Either way, you lose so what’s the point? To make the other guy lose worse?

Are you sure the bus clipped you? :dubious: At that speed, even the slightest touch of bumpers would result to a nice 360[sup]o[/sup] spin.

Yeah, I’m frankly skeptical about the claim that he was hit, too. Struck by a bus at 70+ mph, no accident, no visible damage? Sorry, not possible, IMHO.

Turbulent air might have caused the car to shake a bit as the bus went by, but physical contact would have been painfully obvious.

(And I’m still not excusing the bus driver.)

I just wanted to say thanks to all the good advice and suggestions. We spoke with the police, and they we’re basically like “is the car damaged or anyone dead? No? Good. Anything else we can help you with?”

Anyway, I suppose I should have gotten out of the way, I just wasn’t going to give him an inch because his tailgating was annoying. If he had backed the hell off I would have been more inclined to switch lanes. Anyway this is my problem, I’ll work on it.

As for the bus, it was a private charter with no company info painted on it anywhere. I have the plate and description, but there’s not much to do at this point. I’m going to let it go, although it burns me to my core to do so.

For a guy that deliberately tried to harm and my girlfriend, A & B would be a pittance.

The point is to let the guy know actions often have consequences. Look I’m not saying it’s right or do this or that, I’m just saying what I would do. Should I give the guy that just tried to run me off the road a big hug?

That’s what the cops will do, I’ve been passed twice, in my own lane, while riding my motorcycle. Talk about scary. Anyway I went to the cops and they said there was nothing they could do about it.


While each vehicle may have been travelling 70+mph, the DIFFERENCE in speed between them may have been in the 10mph range. It’s the difference in speed between them that will cause damage.

What people are talking about is being clipped on the edge of a car at high speed with an object many times the mass of your own vehicle will result in a wipe out. This is how police stop running cars, by doing a fish “hook” by rubbing the other car’s bumper, braking rear tire traction and wiping out (most drivers do not know how to correct for this).

In this case, a bus pressing any sort of weight onto the front edge of a car could have caused a severe accident. World Eater’s car might have lost traction and spun out since the bus isn’t going to be as affected as a normal passenger vehicle. It’s only by pure luck that the bus didn’t cause World Eater’s car to crash. With no damger, I’d say you were already hard on the brakes and turning away so the hit was barely a tap. It’s still dangerous but like others have said, the police isn’t going to be able to do much unless you have a video of it.