Something I learned from the SDMB yesterday

In this thread I read yesterday, I came across the term “philia”, which Wiki tells me is one of four ancient Greek words for “brotherly love” or “friendship”. It is the opposite of “phobic”.

I work with filters, and we have 2 kinds: hydrophobic, which test gases; and hydrophillic, which test liquids. I remember the difference because hydro=water and phobic=fears…and hydrophillic was the other kind.

Now I know what it means.

I hate to be the one to tell you, but this is one of those things that everybody in the world knew except you.

Don’t feel too bad. We’ve all been there.

I also did not know of storge, agape or eros.


There are a few famous -philia words, usually legal or medical terms, such as paedophilia (children), haemophilia, or necrophilia (dead people). But there’s also less controversial ones, like bibliophilia (books), Anglophilia (the British), and technophilia (technology).

And -phile, of course. Bibliophile, Anglophile…how could I have been so blind? :smack:

Let’s not forget Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love.

Love for the city of Philadelphia is Phillyphilia; a person who loves Philadelphia is a Phillyphile.

And I’m sure I’m not the first person to make that joke.

That was terrible, you Philly-stine. :smiley:

^^^ If I had heard that joke at any point in my life, I would have understood what hydrophilic means and would have never started this thread. :cool:

Phillip, lover of horses.

Thanks! But I thought it was a dilly (though rather silly).

I am 48, and my older brother is named Justin.

I just realized two days ago that Justine is a female version of Justin.

I also only realized a couple of years ago that Brianna is a female version of Brian.


And there’s also mis-

misandry - hating men (andro)
misogynist - hating women (gyn)
misanthropy - hating people (anthro)