Song and Band on Imus?

On Tuesday morning, October 11, Imus played a recording that I really liked – as I do much of the music he selects.

I don’t know much about contemporary music, so I’m hoping you can identify the song and the band that was playing.

The song should be easy. The main focus of the lyrics was something about taking the last train to Memphis, I think. The group that was singing was a combination of country and rock with a potential for blues and a hint of Cajun. I would like to own this fine wine…er…recording.

This it?

[sub]click the first link and it’ll give you a short sample of the song[/sub]

soulmurk, that is definitely the song and this version certainly has all of the qualities that I described except that the one I heard was sung by a group. If I can’t find the other, this Bobby Charles is worth having though! Thanks a bunch!

Could it have been The Band’s version (there’s a sample link towards the bottom of the page)?

Your response left me slack-jawed and red-faced.

The Band is my favorite band and has been since the mid 1970’s. For reasons that I do not know, I never did get that album.

Even as I was listening to Imus, I thought, “Damn, they sure remind me of the Band.” But I’d been up all night and was winding down and just thought that it was wishful thinking.

Damn! A “new” Band album! Ha! One of the benefits of getting older and forgetful are moments like these!

I can’t thank you enough for putting me in touch with this one that got overlooked before.

With Jubilation,