So I’m sitting here at my computer with the radio on. I’ll Be There For You or whatever the hell it’s called (the theme song to Friends) comes on, and I trip all over myself to change it. Can’t get to the radio fast enough. I also have this reaction to anyone’s version of Mony, Mony . And even though I’m Prince’s biggest fan, I just can’t listen to 1999 one more time. Even HE says it’s been overplayed and should be put to sleep.
What songs can you absolutley not listen to?
Most John Mellencamp songs, a good sized chunk of Eric Clapton songs, all Huey Lewis songs, all but one or two Phil Collins songs and about 80% of the Rolling Stones’ catalogue.
Ah yes, Susudio makes me want to run from the room screaming while ripping my ears off.
I’ll call your “Mony Mony” and raise you “I Think We’re Alone Now.”
Anything by Creed. Complicated. That 3 Doors Down song that’s been on radio repeat for the last many months (Here Without You, maybe?)…even if those guys are from down here. Turn the Page. The Limp Bizkit cover of Behind Blue Eyes. Many more…
You Picked a Fine Time To Leave Me Lucille.
Fergoshsakes dude…
Get thee to a bar, or wherever you can get a new girlfriend, set her and the 4 kids to helping you harvest the blasted crops, get a new dog and quit whinging!
And whatever you do, NEVER EVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS put the d@mned song as a loop on your music on hold.
i spent 35 minutes listening to the song once…i detest it with a passion.
Well, I actually hate any really whiny lyrics, and something in most country songs jsut bothers me…maybe the slide guitar or something?
“All Right Now” by Free
My girlfriend is getting used to me suddenly leaving the room when the song comes on.
Paul Simon, Call me Al or whatever fuck it is. It makes me want to kill people.
“…just say the word…”
“Janes Says (Live)”
Don’t get me wrong, I loves me some Janes Addiction, but local SF radio has some sort of inexplicable hard-on for this song. Can we put it to bed now? I hear it at least once a week. (Well, the “one…two…three…uh-oh-uh-oh!!” part before I change it)
And may I also say that regardless of how “hot in herre” it may get at any point for the rest of my life, it is not necessary to tell me to take off all my clothes.
Anything by Five for Fighting, but especially the new one that is on the radio all the time. That guy is so whiny, it just makes my skin crawl.
Anything being performed by Neil Diamond.
The funny thing is I don’t mind most of his actual songs. It’s just that I’d rather listen to fingernails on a chalkboard than Neil Diamond’s voice. :eek:
“This Love” (or whatever the fuck it’s called) by Maroon 5. Pretty much anything by the White Stripes (yeah, yeah, they’re great whatever). I’ll second that 3 Doors Down mention, and Creed. Beyonce’s “Naughty Girl”, Jessica’s “With You”, that “There’s Gotta be More” song by that Stacy chick. I could really probably go on forever.
I hate the radio.
Anything by Kenny Rogers is unlistenable, but the blue ribbon piece of crap is “Coward of the County.”
Every single song in the musical adaptation of Footloose. Except “Sombody’s Eyes”, which is pretty good.
Doo-wah-diddy shudder
That song that goes “Looving yooooou… is easy cause yer beautiful.” That somebody agreed to record, produce, and distribute this song is proof that Satan is at work in the world and God is looking the other way.
Anything by Peter Cetera or Chicago - similarly, yuck. Cetera’s voice is whiney. Schmaltzy lyrics. And the worst thing is, at the age of 30… I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t tormented by having his songs stuck in my head.
While I can understand the appeal, I don’t like Earth, Wind, and Fire.
And here’s the one that usually clears the bar out:
I hate Billy Joel.
Really, really hate him. I mean, I hate his music so much that if he drove his car into my house, I might forget the number for 911 until he promised to retire.
Bob Seager’s “Shame on the Moon.”
Neal Diamond’s “I Am I Said.”
Almost anything by Genesis with Phil Collins as the lead singer.
As my current pit thread will attest, anything by Busted.
Thats Amore by Dean Martin, due to the wankers in the pub I used to work at playing it over and over again.
Most Beatles songs. in fact, all Beatles songs except 4 of them.
Who Let the Dogs out
American Pie by Madonna
Theres hundreds more than this I hate, but I can’t think of anymore right now
Good call, KSO!
I hate many, many thousands of songs. But the one I have promised myself I will never have to endure again is Free Bird. Once I was waiting in a cash register line at a store when it came on the store’s radio. I put my stuff down and told the lady I’d be back for it in about forty minutes.