Songs you like that are widely reviled by others

My contribution would have to be “MMMBop” by Hanson.

Sure, Hanson were obviously a Boy Band designed to appeal to 12 year old girls, and I couldn’t name another song of theirs if you put a gun to my head, but damn if I don’t start bopping along when this come up in rotation on my playlist.

Its only failing is the Lennon’s “Happy Christmas (War is Over)” is a better song. But otherwise it’s perfectly fine.

I won’t praise “We Built this City,” but it’s not a terrible song.

It’s “south Detroit.” (and no, not Windsor. :))

There’s no city called “South Phoenix”, but if you say “south Phoenix” people know exactly where you mean.

And I unironically like Journey. Even though, when I was much younger, I called Journey “date rock”: if you ever took a girl to a concert, it had to be Journey. (I also called it “wuss rock”, and Journey was the only band in that genre.) If my 20 year old self saw how much Journey I have in my collection, he’d go “did we get bumped on the head somewhere in my future?”

Air Supply’s “Making Love Out of Nothing At All”

A little context, not to defend but because I don’t have a mind for music to say “Actually the chords are…” When I was a youth, my parents owned about five albums. Air Supply’s Greatest Hits were one of them and so I spent a good amount of time in the basement playing that one. Hearing it now takes me back to safe happy memories. Also, I’m something of a sucker for songs that list a bunch of shit.

Though I like it unironically, I still get a chuckle out of “I can make all the stadiums rock” :wink:

I’m a fan of Bowie’s much ridiculed 90’s Drum and Bass period:

That’s easy. “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” (1976) by Elton John with Kiki Dee. It’s not a very good song, and it’s not my favorite, but I like it. Everyone I know hates it, and I understand why. Nevertheless…’

Here’s my Journey journey: the album ‘Infinity’ was one of the first albums I ever owned at age 12 or 13 as part of a ‘12 for a penny’ Columbia House signup deal. I played the heck out of it.

But, by the time I was in High School, I reviled Journey as the very worst of phony overproduced ‘corporate’ rock.

Now, I’m back to enjoying Journey again, but whether it’s ironic or not, I really have no idea.

I don’t know… Kill the Wabbit is a classic…

It’s practically the Ride of the Valkyries of cartoon tunes.


And it all started with Richard Harris and songwriter Jimmy Webb belting out old drinking songs for a a pub full of fellow drunks. And a producer asking Jimmy Webb to really stretch himself… and a telegram from Harris: “Come to London and make a record. Love, Richard”

The Beatles’ “You Know My Name (Look up the Number).”

Often voted the worst song in the entire Beatles catalog. To me it is Monty-Python-level hilarious.

I think, “Wild Honey Pie,” is lots worse.

I won’t stop believing so many people are tripping out on Journey.

True story: I used to wonder why so many people hated “Afternoon Delight,” until I realized that the song I thought was called “Afternoon Delight” was in fact the Residents’ “Act of Being Polite.”

Friday before last me and my husband saw Toto and Journey at UBS Arena here on Long Island. They are old as shit but, man, those songs got all us oldies up and rocking. Plus a whole lot of younguns. A thing me and my husband do when we go to concerts is count how many black people (besides us) we can see. There was only one other black couple but my husband was shocked by how many very young people of color he saw. He wondered why there were so many young people from India.

“Nope, they’re Pilipino,” I told him.
“But why?”
P.S., it was a little strange how the star of the Journey set was most definitely not the lead singer, Arnel Pineda but Neal Schon. Oh, and Randy Jackson is in the band too.

Voted even worse than ‘Revolution #9’? Really?!? I bet nobody listens to R9 intentionally more than once, except those who are playing the entire White album and are too lazy to skip it.

Never saw that video, thanks! Wow, nice plaid leisure suit. But then, when it came to fashion, Elton John always did have an eye for the timeless classics.

Many already mentioned, including Afternoon Delight

Blender Magazine had a top 50 worst songs. From that list…
Ob-la-di, ob-la-da
Follow Me
Shiny Happy People
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Two Princes
What’s Up
Illegal Alien
Ice, Ice Baby
Achy Breaky Heart

Hooked on a Feeling - Blue Suede
Disco Duck
Billy Don’t Be a Hero

‘Seasons in the Sun’ had to be in the top 10, right?

(no, I’m not endorsing that song, though when I was in 4th grade I found it very poignant, before I had a more mature sense of schmaltz).

Seasons in the Sun wasn’t on the list. But, I did have the 45. The flip side is the song I would play for friends as a really bad song - Put the Bone In. And no, I didn’t like that song.

This is more a list of “Songs everyone else liked, but we’re too cool for that”. I’ve seen a lot of Worst Song lists (what? I like to snark), and never ever seen songs like Shiny Happy People or Two Princes on them.

(Now, Achy Breaky Heart does show up regularly…)

I’ll stand next to you in front of the firing squad.

I’m good with “Muskrat Love”, “MacArthur Park”, “We Built This City”, “Rapture” (Blondie), and “Wild Honey Pie”. “Sugar Sugar” is perfectly wonderful and deserved being a global hit.

I don’t hate “Afternoon Delight” — it’s got hooks — but I’ll no longer listen willingly. The problem, I think, is that it’s clearly about sex and the sex isn’t sexy. I’m okay with bubble-gum, non-sweaty, sex songs when they are abstract and/ or ambiguous (…say, “Sugar Sugar”, or even “Muskrat Love”), but I don’t see intercourse as something simple and sappy. And “Afternoon Delight” kinda makes my teeth ache.