Sorry, but anyone know why Live Journal is down????



Wasn’t this what they were trying to prevent with that whole limits fiasco a while back? Or is the withdrawal affecting my memory.

I hope whoever did this is eaten by rabid pitbulls.

I just got to my journal.

Just what exactly is a DDOS attack? The status page tells us why it made the site crash, but not what it is.

Distributed Denial of Service = DDOS

*On the Internet, a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is one in which a multitude of compromised systems attack a single target, thereby causing denial of service for users of the targeted system. The flood of incoming messages to the target system essentially forces it to shut down, thereby denying service to the system to legitimate users. *

a lot of trojan horse programs allow your computer to become part of a DDOS attack, btw.

It’s still acting funky tonight. :frowning:

Well, I felt the need to shout into the void and LJ was down. Moment of weakness and all that. :wink:

Spah! I miss you too!


At this point I think it’s all a matter of what your IP is. If you are in a block of IP addresses that is being blocked, you can’t get in. Fortunately I’m not, so I’m not having problems.

Yes, they did say that some IPs would be blocked by default in the process. Mine was for ages, but this morning it’s all back according to plan again.

Mine is STILL down! I’m going through withdrawals as I type.

That seems to be true for me. When I dial up, I get logged on through one of two different IP addresses (I know there’s a different unique address for each dial-up session–I mean the root numbers vary–for example: or, and with one root IP, I can access LJ every time; with the other, I can’t. For the last couple of days, if I’ve needed to get into LJ, I’ve just kept dialing up until I’ve connected with the right one. It’s only mildly inconvenient.

That makes sense, but I’m curious about the sporadic access I’ve had last night and this morning. Even now, I can get to my own journal page, but can’t get to see comments, or the SDMB pages. I can link to and read comments pages that are e-mailed to me, but can’t get to the original journal entry page.

Quel strange.

:frowning: I still can’t get in.

Super Gnat,

Here’s a message from Brad (LJ main dude)

Not sure if your browser is the issue but use that address if it is. If not, your IP address may still be blocked.

Also, they are stated that some IP addresses are still blocked: