Sour Balls? Where is the name from?

First time poster, long time reader!

Was hoping maybe somebody knew the answer to this!

Anybody know where the candy got its name from originally? Aside from taste? Anybody got an insight on this?

It’s a ball. That is sour. You are ozone. And a liar. I am J. Cubed. Some things are just that simple. :smiley:

It’s not even a trademark, is it?

Anyone want to take a jab at sour puss? Or is it just a puss that is sour?

The are balls, but they are sweet. My Granddad used to keep them in his safe-deposit box for me. He would give me one when we went to the bank.

A sour ball is any round boiled sweet, yes?

WTF? Grandpa’s sour balls were sweet and he kept them locked up in bank to give to you? I say again, WTF?

Back in the Olde and innocent days, “puss” was slang for “face.” A sour puss was someone with a sour (i.e., unhappy) face.