Earlier thread
I had a lot of problems with the movie. I’ll repost my comments from that thread, since my memory has faded some:
It was Assassin’s Creed is what it was.
I thought it was decidely meh. The premise was, of course, preposterous, but you can overlook that with sci-fi as long as it’s internally consistent. The problem with this movie was that it didn’t follow its own logical rules. None off it made sense, and the ending was especially nonsensical.
So the hero is basically a brain in a jar (I know he has a torso, but functionally he’s a brain in a jar) who is supposed to be experiencing the last 8 minutes of memories of this dude that got blown up on a train (how they got the other dude’s brain after it was blown up, they don’t explain), but it’s not any kind of reality. it’s just the other dude’s memories. If that’s the case, then how can he get up and explore the train and see things that the other dude didn’t see and could therefore have no memory of? They keep talking about these vicarious memories in terms of being “in the source code,” which is an incorrect use of that phrase, is never really defined, seems to have no rules. The characters will say it has rules, but then the rules turn out not to really hold, and no explanation is given for why they don’t. The movie just basically plays Calvinball with its own premise in order to give the audience a happy crappy romantic ending.
And speaking of the happy crappy romance, that in itself makes no sense, and JG’s behavior towrds the chick is actually sort of creepy and predatory. Supposedly she thinks he’s really this other dude that she’s had a crush on for a long time, so essentially he’s committing a fraud on her by pretending to be that person. It’s also stupid and insulting to expect the audience to believe that he would decide this chick was his soulmate after like 20 seconds of small talk, but movies have always perpetrated that lie, what really stretches credulity is that movie expects us to believe he’s just going to step into this other dude’s life and pick up where he left off, despite not knowing a single thing about him. How is he going to relate to this guy’s parents, friends and coworkers now? He’s supposed to be a teacher, but how is he going to be able to do that job?
Also, whathappened to the dead dude who’s life he leaped into if the train didn’t really blow up? That would mean he isn’t dead now, so what the fuck?
Also, if JG is experiencing that dude’s memories, why isn’t he experiencing all of them? Why doesn’t he know what his own name is supposed to be, or who the chick is?
There was so much wrong with this screenplay, I wanted to take notes. I haven’t even mentioned the ridiculous mad scientist character by by Jeffrey Wright.
Superficially, the movie is well produced and manages to create some momentum and watchability while you’re watching it, but you can’t start thinking about it at all, or the whole thing falls apart. Plus the ending is a copout. I don’t understand the good reviews for this movie.