Source for 16 mm B&W film

We were talking about a new film project today, and we want to shoot it in black & white on 16 mm film. Now that Kodak is bankrupt, where can we get something similar to Plus-X, Pan-X, or Tri-X.

Not too surprisingly, B&H has 16mm Tri-X in stock.

:smack: I should have checked there.

Since we’re looking for a 1930s documentary look, a fast film like Tri-X may just be the ticket.

I tend to respect older technologies, but you could shoot it digitally for a fraction of the cost and hassle, and process it to look like 16mm B+W.

But I have all of these cameras, y’see! :smiley:

Anyway film, processing and digital transfer should only come to under two kilobucks for the ten minutes we need.

<looks up ‘sunk costs’>

For something that short, perhaps. The digital cost would come to (if needed) camera rental of a couple hundred.

I have a Panasonic AG DVX-100A. Not HD, but I like the footage.

I still want to shoot a project with my super-16 Aaton LTR-54. For this one we’ll probably just use one or two of the Bolexes. (Two of them have crystal motors. Not needed, since it will be MOS; but no winding.)

Bankrupt doesn’t mean out of business, and Kodak is still the leading maker of motion picture film. See their website.