South Africa who does the land belong to? Natives Land Act of 1913

Oh, true - although I don’t really think of anything after Alexander’s conquest as “Dynastic Egypt” even though they’re the last dynasty.

Yes, from the former Hyksos stronghold. Although red hair and aquiline noses aren’t exclusively White characteristics.

That’s what I mean by “their own thing” - Egyptians in art almost never look conventionally Caucasian to me (Nefertiti being the big exception), and mostly don’t look conventionally Sub-saharan either (except that Kushite dynasty). But they do tend to have a consistent look - or at least, the Old and Intermediate Kingdoms stuff do.

In other words they left out context on how the land was tended to.

Did the act benefit the black natives more than the white ones?

Hmmm, Prince Rahotep does not look Caucasian. His wife? Yes.

But that range of skin tones could easily occur even between identical twins. One person works out in the sun, the other person stays inside covered up. Or it could be an idealized difference…women, at least noblewomen, are supposed to stay inside covered up so they are depicted as light skinned, while men are supposed to be outside slaying Hittites or whatever.

I don’t see race in that picture at all. I see “nice tits”.

The Act set aside 10% of the country as “scheduled native areas”, then forbid natives from buying land outside those areas; and non-natives from buying land within those areas.

So, the whites got to divvy up 90% of the land, and the blacks got 10%. Who do you think benefitted more?

Funny how the blogger forgets to mention that.

In any human population, males tend to have darker pigmentation on average than females, regardless of time spent indoors vs outdoors. However, it was also a convention in Egyptian art to depict women (and girls) as having paler skin than males. It had nothing to do with race.

Are you saying it’s not true?

Based on the comments, he’s writing for a white supremacist audience; not a crowd that’s noted for being sticklers for historical accuracy

Oh, and to put that 90/10 split into context: per the 1911 Census, at the time South Africa contained 1,278,025 whites and 4,061,082 natives.

So what about that report he mentions?

It’s fairly short, if you wish to read it. It states that the process in the law for exceptions to the land-buying prohibition to be granted was sometimes used, in areas selected by the Natives Land Commission. It was apparent even in 1913 that the scheduled native areas were badly overcrowded (that’s what happens when you put 70% of the people on 7% of the land), so they were gradually expanded, and some land purchases approved. This occurred mostly in the period of 1924-1929.

Thus, it’s correct to note that the Natives Land Act restricted land sales, it didn’t prohibit them. This doesn’t change the intent of the Act, and I for one will decline to laud the South African government for doing the bare minimum to alleviate the overcrowding and misery that they caused.

Thanks :slight_smile:
It doesn’t explain why South Africa is the way it is now.
This is a more objective archive of crime in SA…And it doesn’t look good.

On another matter was Mandela’s attachment to communism:


So you don’t get any traction with your original premise, you decide to play bait and switch?

A lot of why “South Africa is the way it is now” is because of the way blacks were treated by whites for centuries.

No. That is true. Among other things.

In addition:

Another thing to know is the off repeated claim that in his autobiography “lpng walk to freedom”
He apparently states that he ordered several terrorist bombings…off course this repeated without showing the ‘confession’

Is there gonna be a seltzer crane in this one?