South Park - 10/29

I agree. I miss that little French kid. :frowning:

There is no real town of South Park. At least not in Colorado. The location of the show is very loosely based on the town of Fairplay in Park County, but it’s probably highly influenced by the more similar town of Littleton, where Matt Stone grew up.

Pip’s a kid from the UK (was going to say British or English, but didn’t want to get caught up in a war). He’s a character from the book Great Expectations.


And why, exactly, do we wrap our Guinea pigs in duct tape?! :slight_smile:

So they won’t explode when you fuck them.

To keep them from exploding when you fuck 'em?

Wow, that episode blew. Ranks up there with the “Oprah’s minge” episode in its complete lack of funny.

The only episode this season that I thought approached decency was the “Cartman fights Wendy” one, and that had a lame ending… is there a level of disengagement below “phoning it in”?

I thought the first part was building up to something, but I didn’t find the guinea pigs funny at all. Did Matt and Trey just make a friend with guinea pigs and costumes.

I thought Randy was funny with the camera, but not over two episodes. Craig was OK, especially his complaints about the boys, and walking away from the underground Inca city.

Pretty mediocre season so far, but I’m not writing the off at all.

It was funny, but I didn’t think it needed to be a two parter.

I got the “Cloverfield” references–was Randy name dropping ("We’re taking refuge in a Best Buy, an Outback Steakhouse, etc.) a reference to “Cloverfield,” too? Or something else? Or was it just random? It felt like he was mentioning the places where they were hiding so often, that it had to mean something.

Product placement perhaps?

More likely making fun of product placement. I doubt many mainstream establishments would pay to be placed in South Park.

Yeah, I kind of figured they were mocking it, but was it because they used a lot of product placement in “Cloverfield”? I do remember one of the main characters running into a cell phone store (Nokia), the Sephora store they run by, and I think there might have been other examples (from googling, there are blog hits about people disturbed by all the product placement), so maybe that’s it.

Yeah, thought funny it really wasn’t worthy of two episodes, especially for those of us who never saw Cloverfield, nor do plan see it. I really hope they amp up the rest of this season.

Yeah, I’m guessing you’re right. I got the same feeling that they were mocking something with it - and probably Cloverfield - but I never saw that movie so I dunno.

Do they actually sell guinnea pig costumes or did someone make them??

You thought Cartman getting his ass handed to him by Wendy was lame? I loved it. I loved just how she’s really just like Stan, only less of a pussy.

I did get a good laugh at Randy in the grocery store, when the view goes “omniscient” and shows just how Randy is filming everything: getting in people’s faces and bobbing around to look “dramatic”, whipping around suddenly, taking a short jog and filming his own feet while he’s doing it, and so on.

The guinea pigs also cracked me up, but I just generally like guinea pigs.

Oh, THAT I liked actually. That got a genuine laugh from me–the rest was a bit overkill.

The guinea pigs were freaking adorable.

I liked Craig’s pointing out why no one likes Kyle, Stan and the gang at school, but that got a bit old after a while. I just think there was only so much material, and in general, I’m not that into two parter episodes unless they’re truly great. (That last one they had, with Imaginationland, was good, but even that one could’ve been just two episodes, IMHO.)

The episodes was ok but Randy was really funny. Randy is one of my favorite characters and he was the only saving grace from these episodes. When they showed him filming and acting all dramatic and jumping around and stuff, like Max torque said, I was laughing really hard.

My loudest laugh came when it occurred to me, after the first costume, that somebody at South Park had to contact somebody else to sew together that costume… for a guinea pig. Although I was wondering if somebody in the South Park team was doing this anyway with his/her own guinea pig, or has a kooky girlfriend or housemate who does this, or whatever, and that’s how they got the idea…?

For the brave, here’s the Google image search results on “guinea pig costume”. Apparently, there’s a whole g.p. costuming subculture out there, not including the guinea pig costume festival in Peru. You’ve been duly warned… :smiley: