Southern Dopers: What is Boudin and Crackers?

On a recent drive across the deep south (Yes I went through New Orleans, and the only thing I can say is that it is worse than the news makes it out to be) anyway I was driving across the deep south and saw signs with the slogan “Louisiana’s best Boudin and Crackers next left” and every other variation of that. My question is simple, what the heck is Boudin and Crackers?

It’s as easy as Googling the phrase. Sausages and crackers. Try Wickipedia, etc. xo, C.

Boudin is technically a sausage but it isn’t all that similar to say a breakfast sausage.

From here.

Boudin is very good. It isn’t just one of those regional or ethnic things that you have to be raised with to like. It is a shame that it isn’t more common outside of Lousiana.

Here is a pretty good article on Boudin:

I was getting confused on the “Crackers” part. I couldn’t figure out why anyone would advertise that. I think you meant Boudin and Cracklins’. Cracklins’ are deep-fried pieces of pig skin. They are popular all over the South but they are available in chip bags all over now. I see them in the Boston area pretty commonly. They are quite good. Yoy should try it if you haven’t already.

I will post the link below again. It has an sign for “Bonin’s Boudin and Cracklin’s”

Oh yeah, thats what I meant… Cracklins…not crackers… :smiley:

Looks like a heart attack in a casing. eew

Here in Quebec we have “boudin” too but it’s basically blood sausage (ick).

Seems like I’d probably like your version better.

Boudin is sort of like dirty rice packed in a sausage casing.

(bolding above is mine)

I haveta agree with this 100%. We moved to New Iberia, Louisiana back in 1977. I’d never HEARD of boudin until then.

It took one taste for me. Gained 10 pounds in 6 months. Probably a good thing for me that we moved and can’t get it outside the area any more.

But dang, that stuff is goooooooooood!

Dang it! What happened to the bolding? Sorry.

I thought I bolded the part that said, “…that you have to be raised with to like”

Apologies. I need to practise more, I guess.

A couple of things distinguish Louisiana-style boudin from most other types of sausages:

  • the ingredients are cooked before they are stuffed into the casing

  • there’s a fair amount of rice mixed in with the meat

Boudin is steamed before serving. One way to eat it is to squeeze the filling out of the casing into your mouth. I’ve never done this - I use a knife and fork - but it does sound like fun (if messy).