So, apparently the dream of nerds, geeks, and futurists alive and dead has now come into fruition — enter The Soylent Corporation.
A campaign composed of chemists, scientists and other -ists have developed a dietary powder you mix into water, and is intended to completely substitute the need to prepare or eat any food, indefinitely.
Not sure what Soylent™ is made from, but I am interested in giving it a shot, as my diet leaves a lot to be desired. Of course, I’d eat regular food whenever I feel like it, but pondering the thought of downing a drink mix and it being healthier and more nutritious than any meal I could otherwise forage has its allure.
I’m thinking of ordering at least a week of the stuff, but wanted the SD to weigh in on this. Sorry if there’s a previous thread on this, I googled, but nothing seemed to come up.
Me neither, but it sounds more like a poverty/3rd world problem if it’s indeed true. CO is a sneaky devil; does seem like a dubious claim though. :dubious:
there was a similar product in 1990 called “BLD” which stood for “Breakfast Lunch Dinner”.
I worked next to the Indianapolis guy who was CEO & inventor. He made millions for a year or 3, then now there is no trace of him or his product on Google.
IIRC, it was a powder in a bottle - just add water.
Has the word “soy” in it too, I can’t imagine the product doesn’t heavily depend on this particular bean.
@Strinka, thanks for the links. I went ahead and ordered a week’s worth. As a supplement for meals when my busy schedule forces me to eat like shit (or sometimes not at all when I pull all-nighters), I’ll be curious as to how this might work.
Doesn’t ship until August, but I’ll report on it when the time comes.
Yay, a group of kids that look like they just got out of middle school have determined that a basic necessity of life can be solved and we’ll all enjoy it in the process. And people are taking it so seriously they have to crowd fund it from the same group of people that probably pays for more farmland in Facebook games. Amazing. I look forward to this project totally panning out and Soylent becoming a global corporation.
If it works and fills a need, then it does. I’m not expecting any miracles, or so naive that it’ll solve world hunger, but I find it an interesting experiment, and hope they remain as transparent as possible. :shrug:
I’d be far more dubious had Kraft or some Infomercial-funded company developed something like this. It’s certainly not an original idea, but I don’t see a need to dismiss it yet — Healthy skepticism? Yes. Cynicism? Too early for that, IMHO.
Here is a website with some recipes for making your own soylent.
There are already meal replacement powders out there, I don’t get teh appeal in some ways. Companies like garden of life (to name just one) sell various micronutrient dense powders which are supposed to be full of probiotics, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and other products.
Granted they are somewhat expensive (a dollar per serving roughly) and not very macrnonutrient dense. But the product already exists in a way.
I think there maybe some serious digestive consequences to this. The human body needs to poop wether we like to or not. This product actually causes you to poop less,which may be detrimental to colon health. IANAD but that is MHO