SpaceX's Falcon 9 Successfully in Orbit

I just watched a live video feed from launch to second stage shutdown.
In just under 9 minutes, SpaceX was able to launch their Dragon capsule capable of carrying a crew of four into an orbit high enough to reach the ISS.

This is a real milestone, y’all!

Hats off to the guys and gals at SpaceX.
I will raise a toast to them this evening at the pub!

My latest news feed says that launch was aborted today. They also say “There may be a chance to recycle the count and try again today.”

Gahhh! Where can I find video of the launch!


Link to utube videoof the launch

Great on-board footage!

Yay! :slight_smile: Congratulations!

Another giant leap for mankind.

That is way cool
cheap space flights for everyone


There and back again: SpaceX’s Falcon 9 carried the Dragon spacecraft into orbit, and Dragon came back safe and sound three hours later, mirroring the Mercury program of the early '60s.

Commercial spaceflight gets one step closer to reality.