Sparkly Vampires?!?

I keep hearing jokes about vampires who sparkle. Where did this come from, and what’s it about?


It’s from Twilight (books, movie). If you are not a 13 year old girl, that’s all you need to know about it.

To be more specifc, in the mythology of the series, vampires do not die due to direct exposure to sunlight. However, they must still avoid it, because it really causes their skin to sparkle like little bitty diamonds. Silly, but apparently a big part of the mythos…or the cash cow- you can buy a jar of “Edward Sparkle Body Glitter” or something like that for ten bucks at Hot Topic.

Does sunlight at least hurt or cause discomfort, or does it just make them shiny?

Just shiny/sparkly.

It’s really lame.

I tried to read “Twilight” cause I work at a high school library. Couldn’t make it through. I hate Twilight. It’s bloody awful. Have I mentioned that I hate Twilight?

I read the first three books because sometimes I wonder if I am a 13 year old girl trapped in a 29 years male body.
Aparently I am not, because those books suck big time.

All you need to know.

I totally need to use that quote in real life.

The effect in the movie was really bad, too. He looked like he’d been covered in motor oil.

Erm. Don’t you mean “lamé”?

I am so sorry

Too bad the author didn’t realize the obvious.

I’m reading them, just for the snark factor. It’s bad. Really, REALLY bad. I think when I’m done I’m going to cleanse my brain and FINALLY get around to reading The Dark Tower series.


Isn’t that a cut of diamond?

God, it was so dumb. I expected something interesting when he stepped into the light…and then that.

I called my Pop one day and he said he was watching Twilight. “Oh, I’m sorry.” “That’s OK…” “No, not for interrupting you–I’m sorry you’re sitting through Twilight.” He was only watching to see it if was really filmed in Forks, but no such luck.

No. The sparkliness is Meyer’s entire explanation for the popular belief that vampires can’t go out in the sun. They have no aversion to sunlight whatsoever, they aren’t nocturnal by nature or even prone to sleeping in, they just don’t want to give themselves away by sparkling all over the place.

It’s quite possibly the stupidest thing ever written about vampires, and plenty of stupid things have been written about vampires.

Oh, and let’s not even go into her werewolf crap…

I’m surprised at that. I knew that Twilight was filmed in the Vancouver/Washington/Oregon area, but I did not know they did not actually film in Forks- apparently, the town was too small for a large film crew to stay in. Twilight has pretty much become a cottage industry for the real Forks.

There’s WEREWOLF crap, too? God. Silly Stephanie Meyer. You cannot romanticize a werewolf.

I think sparkly vampires are going to become a meme in the horror fanbase, if they aren’t already. “So, the slimemold monster turns into a giant fungoid bear when Julie gets angry at Mike… nearly as dumb as a sparkly vampire.”

A must read for understanding the snark side of Twilight.

So, I had a long, drawn-out debate with **Dark2Phoenix **(who hasn’t read or seen this), about why I think they’re crap, and promote dangerous and horrible ideas about femininity and love, and how they smuggle in Mormon concepts, and how the writing is terrible, etc. etc. And he just kept saying that if lots of people like them, they must be working on some level, and so forth.

And then I told him about the sparkling (which actually didn’t bother me that much), and he stopped dead and said, “Oh, well, then they’re just stupid.”