Spartydog, eat a bag of dicks.

Classy, too.

Got anything relevant?

Is this sarcasm? If so, let me know. Because it sure looks like you’re asserting that black illiteracy is a consequence of some kind of racial IQ deficit and not Jim Crow. And that would certainly be worthy of it’s own pitting, or maybe just pity.

I live in TX. I’m educated, liberal, vote democrat, hate grits and chicken fried steak, whatever the fuck that is, and don’t have a southern accent (OK, I’m not from here)!!

I’m sorry.

Your traitorus party elected Bush on a platform of fear and lies, then went to a costly war on a platform of false fear and lies.

You committed crimes against humanity including torture, sully America’s good name, to say nothing of the horrors. Then ran the economy into the ground.

Your party though it’d be a good idea to run Palin, the the stupidest person next to Bush to ever live, as VP.

Your party doesn’t care about America. The gutted economy is a result of “trickle down theory”. It just cares about forcing it’s false morality down people’s throats. Party of life eh? Tell that families of the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, and thousands of dead American service men you stupid inbreeding hypocrite. You’re the worst scum in this country. Your parties failed policies since 9/11 have done more damage to America then Osama’s biggest wet dream.
I’ll never forgive republican traitors like you for what you’ve done to America. You’re slime. Your expresident is a war criminal.

I’m not a Republican.

No, I didn’t.

Not my party.

Again, not my party.

Still not a Republican. Also not a traitor. Am an honorably discharged veteran, have been since 1992. When did you serve?

Southern people may be very smart, but they sure seem to elect a lot of complete morons. (Although, since my state twice elected Rod Blagojevich as governor, who am I to talk?)

Ahh apologies for thinking your were a republican then. Well it’s quite simple. Republicans in power to terrible things do America. Why would people put them in power?

Exactly. Say what you want to about the “backward” (it’s spelled that way, Simplicio. I managed to figure that out even though I went to South Carolina public schools and got my masters’ degree at the University of South Carolina. With my shoes on.) South, I may hate the hell out of my governor but I can’t remember the last time one of them got arrested, went to jail, or was impeached. Go figure.

That’s not really true. Idaho and Oregon are on the high end of the middle (including GED), and Alaska isn’t even close to the whitest, with only 69% whites. In fact, if you take the lists of the whitest states and the states by highest percentage of people who have diplomas/GEDs by 25, the average difference in rank is 10.5, which to me sounds like the two are not strongly correlated at all.

Hey, cracker! You’re in the Pit! Whaddaya expect?

“Perhaps if you offered a more cogent definition?”

“Well, by ‘my ass’ and ‘your face’, I mean…”

Just to add, I know any number of first rate people from the South, and can attest that the South is a very good place to be from.

Yes, but two of your uncles are being professors with one aunt and both your parents, who had to “retire” from this “college”. Now in the South, does that make them five people, or just three? Is your “uncle” also your father? Your mother your “aunt”. This sounds like code for an incestuous orgy to me. Have you ever asked them? Are any of them cunning professors of languages? You have a J.D.? Well whoop de doo, so does J. Danforth Quayle. The most foolish idiots I know have a J.D. Your other aunt is holding a Masters? Is it your brother’s “Masters”. Do they have to say “Master may I”.

Yes, and those wonderfully liberal states like California and new York that have elected terrific public officials…

My aunt and cousins live in Texas. Aside from the unfortunate reaction to the Michigan word “Pop” (what you might call “Soda”) when they moved down there I can agree the South does have some quality people.

I just wish they were better at choosing qualified representatives in an electionary manor.



And I love how it’s acceptable to say that the South is backwards and uneducated - with the obvious implication that they are stupid, yet using the similar analysis you could say the same thing about blacks and Hispanics yet it’s wrong.

For the billionth fucking time, adults can talk about demographics without having to constantly add caveats and qualifications. When someone says men are stronger than women, it doesn’t mean that every man is stronger than every woman. Or that no women are stronger than the average man. Or that the weakest man is stronger than the weakest woman.

Please, everyone, stop being anecdotal stereotyping fuckwits. This thread started(kinda) with solid statistics and debate, and just turned into a generic blue vs. red bashing session. Just ignore the idiots and strawmen.

Can you show your work? Just eyeballing the 2000 census statistics on race alongside the 2007 stats on HS education over 25, it looks to me like there’s a pretty strong relationship. It’s not clear to me that an avg. difference in rank of 10.5 is inconsistent with statistical correlation.

But even if there isn’t a 50-state correlation because of outliers, my point was that in Mississippi and many other states (including NY), the undereducated are disproportionately black. So my point stands. The column on the far right is the absolute difference between the white rank and the education rank, the column to the left of that is the education rank, and the column to the left of that is the white rank. Quite a few states have large differences, like WV (very white and shitty education) and AK (pretty non-white and good education).

Perhaps I’m a bit too uneducated, but I can’t eyeball that chart and say there doesn’t seem to be a statistical correlation. Correlation doesn’t mean there are no outliers. I’m not talking one-to-one, just statistically significant. But I’m not gonna ask you to run a regression, this is the Pit after all. Save your efforts for GQ. :slight_smile:

And, of course, Alaska isn’t really feeling the effects of Jim Crow, which was my point. Perhaps I should have said that Jim Crow and educational deficits are correlated.