Speak to me only in Disney quotes

Let the work begin!

In every job that must be done there is an element of fun.

I saw a smile.

Oh, happy day! I think I’ll say that again. Oh, happy day!

How about a little sunshine to brighten your day?

Never knew such bliss
Never read of this
In a book or play
What a lovely day
What a great big gorgeous, sumptuous, thumping, bumptious, hum-galumptious, simply scrumptious
Oh, my, oh, my, what a happy day!

A wise man once said, “When you come to last page, close the book.”


Whoa, nice! Your outfit is tops in my book ! I really like your style!

I like the way he waddles.

How do you like me now, Perry the Judge-ya-pus?

Look, the new girl has no pants on!

What a beautiful dress!

No! Blue!

I’m a blue ribbon bunny!

Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the springtime.

Nature fun!

You eat ants?

Feel the flavor!

Smoked fish will taste good.

My other son’s a deep-sea diver.