Speaking In "Tongues"

What do y’all think about this?

I ask because a couple of days ago I accompanied my wife to a relative’s funeral and the pastor who conducted it was “taken hold of” by the “spirit”, and proceeded to jabber his head off (so to speak).

No disrespect to the deceased intended, but I walked out.

Not only did this guy speak (yell, really) in tongues, a member of the congregation stood up and “interpreted” what he was yelling.

I don’t know, man, really. I know there’s all kinds of religion and people tend to take the Bible literally, but if my eye itches and I get pissed off about it?

I’m not about to “pluck” it out, mah Brotha’!:wink:

Mods: If I’m not supposed to mention religion, please close the thread and I’ll add it to the list of things I’m not supposed to write about, which is taped to the side of my screen! :slight_smile:



Kakhjaba nohiliptep cacritala nobje?

J, don’t start with me, dood! :D:D:D:D:D, but between me and you, I think he was using vowels at a minimum, because there seemed to be a lot of saliva being flung.

Og, I hope I haven’t offended anyone here, but I mean damn!

I was raised a Catholic and yes, we too have our rituals, but not all of a sudden!

Jragon, thanks for the laugh! I needed it!


I don’t think it fits into the whole literalist thing. It really does seem that early Christians practiced this sort of thing. There’s too much of the Bible detailing how to do it properly. Also, while I’m not going to argue that it’s really from God, I do know that it is enjoyable. The participants really enjoy it. Some even act drunk afterward.

You really should talk to FriarTed. I have experiences with this stuff, but he seems to explain it better than I ever could.

It’s probably the devil in me, but it pisses me off when people start doing this. I had someone lay their hands on me and start that crap up after asking if they could pray for me. I don’t believe in that stuff but I figured sure, it’s harmless.
To me “pray” means bow your head later, not start barking in the spirit.

An ex of mine took to religion towards the end of our relationship. I kinda knew it was over when I went to her house one day and found her sat in front of the God channel, babbling away in gobbledygook.

It was bad enough when she started waving her arms about and shouting ‘amen!’ or ‘hallelujah!’ while watching that stuff, but that crossed the line from religious fervor to flat out whappy.

I still don’t see why it’s such a big deal. Even from an outsider’s point of view, I can’t see it as anything worse than when people get high or wasted.

Help me with this, T, please?

I think the difference lies in the fact that drugs are involved in one but not the other?

Make me understand!:slight_smile:

I don’t not respect them, I just don’t know what that’s about!



I used to go to a non-denominal church that spoke in tongues. Maybe I could give you a layman’s perspective. If you tell me specifically what you want to know, I’ll do my best to answer.

Basically the people who believe in glossolalia or “speaking in tongues” believe that they are speaking in an actual language and are professing the Word of God as described in the Bible; Corinthians, if my very brief search is correct.

These people sincerely believe God is causing them to speak in some other language; if you listen it is mostly repetitive sounds. Whether it is “true” is up to the beholder, I guess.

Sweetie, you’re my very good friend, and I hope I have not offended you, but what happens and what does it mean?

I aplogize to anyone who finds this post distasteful or offensive, but that stuff is scary, and I don’t know what I’m s’posed to do!.

I’m sorry, my dear friend, but I truly believe that sometimes people take what is written in the Bible too literally and they wind up playing with rattlesnakes and other scary stuff, like not taking blood transfusions when they could save a life!

Your pal always,


Here I believe is the pertinent quote, regarding Gifts of the Spirit —

I used to see that all the time as a kid in the church I was taken to, and several times my family members would do it. When my cousin’s kid committed suicide a few years ago, his grandmother (my aunt) was so distraught when she heard the news she went into a praying “jag” that included speaking in tongues.

I have no doubt that there’s no deception involved, it’s some kind of involuntary religious trance thing.

… I’ll just stick to the Golden Rule.

(caps mine)



At least at the churches I attended, people believe in the tongues they speak. In actuality, I feel they are mostly mimicking what others do and as has been said, it’s usually the same repetitive sounds. According to scripture, any tongues are supposed to be followed by an interpretation and this very seldom happened. And if there was simply speaking in other languages going on, why didn’t we hear French or German or Farsi? No, it all sounded the same.

As to what it meant, well, I think it was supposed to indicate how close the believer was to the Holy Spirit. Because tongues is one of the Spirit’s gifts and as far as I know, this does only happen with strict biblical, fundamentalist literalists.

I think that covers it, or rather, that’s the best I can remember. And you never have to worry about offending me. I’m just here to help. If you think of anything else, simply holler.

Your friend,


P.S. Yes, it too is indeed scary. Moreso the younger you are.

I applaud your good sense in walking out. Even if you disliked it or thought is was stupid, you were polite to everyone.

We Catholics don’t go much for that either.

I cannot even begin to understand it, Hon!

At first, I thought the man was goin’ into hip-hop or rappin’ but nothing he said was matchin’ up!

And then that other guy stood up an started interpretin’ and all I could visualize was one of my SNL heroes, Mister Garrett Morris doing the SNL news for “the hard of hearing” (in those days, of course!)!

So that’s when I got the frigg outta there!

As I said: Golden Rule.

For everybody.



You know, I don’t even know what speaking in tongues sounds and looks like. Anybody have a link to a video of a typical speaking in tongues episode? Thanks.

This video is pretty good sample. And, as a bonus, it covers the scientific study often used by believers to credit it.

And, Quasi: It’s kinda hard to explain. Do you understand the concept of “being saved”? It’s the process where one confesses all their sins to God and asks and receives forgiveness, and God rewards them by sending his Holy Spirit to live inside of them, granting them access to heaven upon death. This process is considered being “baptized” in the Holy Spirit.*

My church believes there is a further step. This is where you let the Holy Spirit, who is already dwelling within you, take complete control over your body. The first evidence of this is when you are no longer speaking in your own language. This is formally called the “Infilling of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit,” or, more colloquially, being filled with the Spirit.

Like I said, I’m not here to spiritually defend the practice. But I will offer this: the main two views are that it is either a profound gift from God, or just a way of getting high without chemicals or side effects. Either way, it can be really therapeutic if you’re feeling bad. And it’s not like the snake thing which is inherently dangerous (and unscriptural, as you aren’t supposed to put God to the test.)

If you’re really curious, being Catholic doesn’t prevent you from trying it. There’s always the Charismatic Catholic Renewal (video).

*This gets confusing because being “baptized in the Spirit” is also used as a shortening of being “Infilled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.” Heck, some churches hold that the process is one and the same–one is not saved (from Hell) unless one speaks in tongues.

T, I clipped that one because I wanted to answer it first, okay?

The answer is “yes” I do understand that concept as it relates to a person’s relationship with his “higher power”. Person = Personal, meaning it’s between you and the Big Guy, not grovelling in front of an altar in front of everyone in the congregation, and again (I cannot stress this enough), I’m not out to hurt anyone’s feelings with my post, okay, it’s just Quasi being Quasi and I tend to go to the satirical when I don’t understand something, sue me! ;))

My best friend from high school likes to preface some of his remarks with the phrase, “Back when I first got saved…”.


I had asked him if he’d show me a G7 diminished on the guitar, and that’s just one example! He tends to wear it as a badge fer… (sorry, T, getting satirical again, buddy!:rolleyes:)

It’s personal (being saved, I mean), Dude! To my way of thinking, anyway.

Please don’t come to my door or stop me on the street asking if I have been saved, okay? If I have been, it’s between me and my “higher power” and does not concern you! (Not you, T - the "collective"you)

I have more to add, but my sweet wife is telling me it’s time to get ready for church (she is Methodist, btw), and I do like our pastor at our little church out in the country, so I need to leave the thread for a bit.

Yes, despite my satirical outlook on life, I do go to church, I close my eyes and I pray. What’s it gonna hurt? (:smack: - dammit, Quasi).

I will come back to this thread, T, and thanks for not being “holier than thou” (:smack:dammit!) with me.

