Heres my question. Why do people have to be totally on other people’s cases about spelling mistakes? How about if theres a question being asked, you answer it and quit trying to be cool, or whatever you’re trying to be. By the way dont call me a troll or a stooge of MTV ever again. Thats just silly and not in good taste.
In a forum like this, where intelligence is a premium, there are few ways to exhibit that intelligence. Fairly or not, misspellings are frequently associated with either carelessness or ignorance. Most posters, myself included, will focus on the intent of the question but correct the misspelling. Sometimes cruelly.
Let’s see. I lathered and I rinsed. But did I repeat?
In a forum like this, we don’t see the people we communicate with, and are forced to form our opinions based on what they write. Maybe life isn’t fair, but someone who spells “infinate” instead of “infinite” does come across as an outright idiot. I make an occasional typo sometimes, but nothing like this.
you know, I may not spell very well sometimes, but atleast I have some manners, I dont care if this place is for smart people like you claim to be. This just made me form a new opinion on smart people, they’re just jerks and thats the bottom line. Also, this web site isn’t my whole life like it probably is for all of you who love taking shots at a teenager who mistyped a few words.
Spelling mistakes are errors, as are grammatical mistakes. Most educated people try to avoid them. That doesn’t mean they don’t happen - everyone makes a spelling or grammar mistake at one time or another. A badly written post riddled with spelling errors is extremely difficult to read, and is often downright painful to those of us who have learned how to write. Most mistakes can be forgiven; most people who find mistakes in their own posts are embarrassed and apologize. Those people who not only do not exhibit shame and embarrassment, but actual defend their mistakes would do best by finding a different message board, I think.
BTW, DaneH, these rules apply mainly to guys.
Gals who massacre spelling and punctuation typically get a pass.
So, you could change your handle to something feminine-sounding, but then you might have to contend with the loser guys on this board who might express interest and deluge you inbox with personal ads.
Athena, you’re worthless. Get a life…seriously. I read your profile…300 plus posts??
DaneH, I was starting to get on your side a little but I didn’t understand that last remark.
There are all kinds here, some very smart and some lacking a few social graces, others, just regular people with a some knowledge to share. There are also cut-ups (is that the way you spell that?) that just make wise remarks as well as contribute useful info.
I like reading and participating in the board and I take them all for what they are. If you want to cut the flack, be careful, otherwise just take it and you’ll probably still get good answers to your questions mixed in with the rest.
Wow… You’re really NOT a troll!
Apparently, YOU have nothing better to do than take potshots on your fellow posters? Loser.
dammit – the first line was supposed to be a quote. @!%$! tages. Sorry guys!
dammit – the first line was supposed to be a quote from the previous post. @!%! tags. Sorry guys!
Okay Dane, take a deep breath. Calm down. Move away from the keyboard.
One thing you can learn from this message board is to take some criticism. You started two posts, both of which had critical misspellings. You got slammed for the mistakes but your infinite numbers thread is still going pretty good. And I don’t think you can be too critical for getting smart-ass comments on masturbation questions. Ask Peewee Herman.
So now you can either go off and lick your wounds somewhere or hang in there and learn that some people are going to react strongly to misspellings all your life.
There’ve been more than a few times when I’ve glibly given what I was certain was the absolutely correct answer to questions in this forum only to discover that I didn’t have the faintest clue what I was talking about. It’s not fun but it’s extremely valuable.
If you want to practice counter-slamming with those who disagree with you, go ahead. Check out the BBQ Pit for some pointers and good examples. But you’ll discover quickly that even calling someone names can be done crudely or elegantly.
Best wishes. Really.
Let’s see. I lathered and I rinsed. But did I repeat?
Not so much the spelling errors themselves.
It’s more that people who are trolling intentionally misspell words and use incorrect grammar to draw attention to their posts. So a new poster who asks two questions, each with a fairly glaring spelling error in the topic certainly does raise an eyebrow.
Getting out a saucer of milk and the kitty litter.
(shouldn’t this now be considered a BBQ Pit thread?)
For what it’s worth, we all make mistakes in spelling, but consistant spelling errors are, like one poster said, difficult to read.
(now I fear I make a bunch of mistakes, oh well)
DaneH, no one here is truly on your case, and age means nothing; however, just as in life, neatness counts, and you only have so much time to create an impression, which for ill or good is lasting.
Please calm down, develop a little thicker skin and enjoy the give and take.
I’m not denigrating your intelligence but what you are doing is flaming, and that belongs in the BBQ Pit.
There were two words that I didnt spell correctly. You knew what they both meant though. I just dont see why its so hard to read. dont read it if mistakes bother you because I know everyone else here is perfect in everything they do.
puts arm around Dane
It’s called an apostrophe, son. Look into it.
Live a Lush Life
Da Chef
Actually it’s not so much the spelling errors that bother me. It’s the apostrophes.
If I could gather the entire population of Earth into one large room, would I talk about world peace? An end to starvation? Infinate numbers? No.
I would give the Wendy Contractions and Possessives Tutorial. I think I’m serious.
Crappy day. Had to vent a little somewhere.
Ah, Chef. Beat me to it.
Capitalization, as well.
I was about to apologize for taking such a cheap shot on your “masterbation” (sic) thread, but I have changed my mind.