Spencer Davis has died

At 81 years old. I always like their sound, but never knew until now that the lead singer was Steve Winwood.

It was a really excellent Blues-Rock group.

Winwood was so young that he was called Stevie Winwood, like Stevie Wonder. Except that Winwood got to grow up and become a Steve.

Only one rock station in town played British Invasion songs that weren’t big hits, and the Spencer Davis Group was one of my favorites along with The Who and the Kinks whenever I got to hear them. They could really rock.

Yeah The Spencer Davis group featuring a teenaged Steve Winwood who sounded more like Ray Charles than some teenaged kid. In the 80’s I was a teenager, and all I knew about Steve Winwood was “Higher Love” and stuff like that, which didn’t move me. I didn’t know. How could I know?
I know now.
Spencer Davis, RIP


Wow, he really was channeling Ray Charles on that second cut.