Spending New Year’s Eve in the hospital. Do not recommend

So here I am in the hospital waiting for results, going through several breathing treatments, 4 iv’s, 2 of which failed and I feel like crap.

I’m sure the fireworks tonight will add to my ability to sleep in this wonderful environment. I believe I’m on the Covid ward but I tested negative for that on the first test and on the second test that they administered at 12:15 this morning. It’s policy they say. So they came at midnight to give meds but they let me settle back down for 15 minutes and then returned to do the Covid test. Bastiges!

The coughing and moaning and crying never ceases. I am about to break, I think.
I could never do this work.

The nurses work 12 hour shifts. I do not believe this is good for them or their patients. I was transferred to this hospital from my chosen one and boy I have really regretted it. The crap I have had to go through to get a prescription medication on the timeline that has worked for me for 7 years is ridiculous and has added to my discomfort greatly. I’m trying to advocate for myself with no voice because mine is gone from all the coughing. And I am pissing people off.

We don’t do this right.

But at least I’m off the oxygen for now.

Anyway, if you’ve read this far, thanks for reading.

TLDR: I wanna go home!

Hang in there.
Hope things improve very soon.
Happy new year.

My sincere best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

I can feel the suck coming off of your words. I’m really sorry this has happened to you.

I hope it brings you some small measure of comfort to post about it here. And I hope you don’t have to deal with that shit for much longer.

Hospitals are unhappy places to be at the best of times, and holiday weekends are the worst! I hope you improve quickly and can get home soon.

I didn’t have my phone with me for the longest time because I forgot it in my car when I drove myself to emergency in the pouring rain.

My daughter brought it to me today and I’m so happy to be able to read the dope and receive all of your kind responses.

Yes, it definitely helps.

Thanks everyone.

Very sorry to hear this, and hope you’re better and home really soon. Hospitals are always an ordeal, even the ones that superficially seem like pleasant places, and it’s even worse over the holidays, both emotionally and because they tend to be short-staffed. The one time I was in hospital I was admitted on a Friday afternoon and things moved with agonizing slowness throughout the weekend. Someone on staff told me that I would see a huge burst of activity come Monday, as indeed I did. You may get only maintenance necessities until Tuesday, but the good news is that it feels SO nice to finally go home!

Very sorry to hear that. Hope you get out very soon. I was in two ERs over the last two days because of a sudden vision change. You’d be surprised how few ERs have an ophthalmologist on call. Yeah, everything seems to move in slow motion in the hospital. My case turns out to be (probably) not a big deal, but I was worried about having emergency eye surgery and being in the hospital for NYE.

I am so sorry for you troubles. Sending you healing vibes

I can’t speak for nurses, but sometimes a 12hr shift is the most effecient. Briefing at the start of the shift, de-briefing your relief at the end, and then 10 or so hours of work. You are already at work and the difference it time is minimal. And unless they are doing overtime they probably get 3 or 4 days off.

I had a job doing 3-12hr shifts, and one 4-6 hour shift that overlapped with the other crew. 1/2 day off, plus 3 full days off, and then another round of 3 twelves. Best shift I ever had. Fewer travel times, fewer days getting ready for work, more actual time off. A lot of people are spending 12 or more hours on their job prep and travel time anyway, and still putting in 5-8hr days.

I’m so sorry you’re sick and hope you’re well enough to get sprung pronto.

I’m sorry you’re having such a nasty experience with the whole thing. Being ill is bad enough without all the extra vexation hospitals add. Holiday hospitals are even more vexing.

I got married on a Tuesday and was admitted via the ER on Wednesday. Not good timing then either.

A few years ago my wife was admitted through the ER of 4th of July. And not for a fireworks-related problem. That was also a Friday and she’d gotten a bunch worse by Monday when they were first able to seriously start to tackle her major issues.

You will survive this. It’ll suck mightily all the way along, but you’ll be past it.

Keep us posted. We’re as close friends as imaginary strangers can be.

I’ve only asked two people so far. The respiratory therapist loves it . She does two days a week and spends the rest of her time at home with her toddlers. She has been my favorite person to deal with here. She brought me a bag of stuff for my stay which included a toothbrush and lotion and lip balm! Much appreciated. I think that’s actually the job of the care rep, but he’s an asshole and so I’m not asking him.

He (the asshole mentioned above) picked up my breakfast tray and rather sternly told me not to leave my glasses on the tray. I hadn’t meant to and I said sorry and took the glasses from him. Then he pointed his finger at me and told me again. I can’t believe how angry he made me. I yelled at him and well the rest is boring. But we’ve been avoiding each other since. Of course, yelling doesn’t sound like much right now with this voice.

Today’s nurse hates it. He is a traveling nurse.

Oh , I just got back from a cat scan. The handsome and charming fellow who wheeled me down there wants a 12 hour day but can’t have it. The lady wheeling the trash can who joined us in the elevator would like 10 hour days, but not 12.

So a sampling. I still think it’s bad for the emotional well being of the nurses to make them work such long days with sick people. The sick people sometimes don’t behave the way they should either.


So sorry to hear about this. Best wishes, and hope the New Year just gets better!

Sorry to hear about your illness. So, you’re in the Covid ward, despite testing negative for Covid twice? Well, whatever you have, I hope you recover quickly and have a great 2024.

The symptoms of my first bout of Covid peaked on New Years Eve 2 years ago. My case was not bad enough to warrant a hospital visit, but I remember watching Miley Cyrus and Dolly Parton ring in the New Year while feeling miserable. Get better!

Another round of get-well-soon wishes here.

Hope you feel better soon, home soon.

Ditto! Keep us posted.

I hope you are better soonest, @not_what_you_d_expect. What a lousy way to start your new year! Sending healing vibes your way. I guess the only good thing is, your life can only get better in 2024! Cheers and best to you.

I feel for you. Hope it all gets fixed and you go home soon.
Grin and bear it is how I dealt with it.

The staff can be so unfeeling sometimes. But a good one is just wonderful.
Good feelings and Happy New Year.