If all I want is peace and quiet, a good book and some tea every now and then, where do I go? Do any of you know any good books on the subjects? I’d prefer a climate like I’m used to, with proper winters and summers not much hotter than 25 degrees C, but I guess I could get used to something hotter. Easier to be self-supplied with food that way, I suppose.
I might be a bit vague, but you get the idea. It’s just a loose thought, so I want some loose thoughts in reply.
Presuming we are talking about a vacation, have you considered a freighter cruise? Food is provided and there are few if any other passengers to bother you. Lock yourself in the cabin and read.
Actually, any cruise (or hotel) would work for this. Room service to bring your food. You don’t have to interact with anyone but the delivery guy if you don’t want to.
Oops. Not exactly a vacation. I changed the title to a snappier one (does anyone know that song?), it started out as “living in the wild”. Like, building myself a log cabin somewhere. Getting away from the stress and back to mother nature and all that. I guess it would be at least as much work as here, but at least I’d get to do it on my own terms, not getting up the same time each day to work the same hours at the same same same same.
Or possibly like this guy . Pretty good book and a very interesting guy. I think you’d like it.
You’re from Norway? Plenty of space in Canada and Alaska if you want to drop off the face of the earth.
Yeah, and Norway, too. Anyway, I’m thinking more of the practical side of this, how do you live (more or less) in the wilderness. I wouldn’t want to withdraw entirely from society, just spend more time on my own in the woods and be as independent of others as possible.
It’s not that I’m antisocial (far from it, really, though I figure I’d do fine by myself most of the time), but the thought of working a 9-5 for the next 40 or so years gives me the shivers. It’s the simple life that attracts me, not misantrophy. (Oh, well, a little)
Yeah, and Norway, too. Anyway, I’m thinking more of the practical side of this, how do you live (more or less) in the wilderness. I wouldn’t want to withdraw entirely from society, just spend more time on my own in the woods and be as independent of others as possible.
It’s not that I’m antisocial (far from it, really, though I figure I’d do fine by myself most of the time), but the thought of working a 9-5 for the next 40 or so years gives me the shivers. It’s the simple life that attracts me, not misantrophy. (Oh, well, a little)
There are lots of people that do that in the U.S. There are huge expanses of the country where you can live undisturbed if that is what you really want. Some of those areas also have cheap land so you can just buy up 500 acres or so in some remote area and live in the middle of it. That type of thing would be pitifully easy to do in Alaska but it can also be done in Wyoming, Idaho, Montana or Maine just to name a few. The good part is that the U.S. mail delivers most anywhere for a reasonable price so you can order things from the Internet to get access to things. Most places in the Lower 48 would be within an hour’s drive to stores and maybe a small hospital.
As mentioned, this type of thing would be very easy in Canada as well. You can do whatever you want in North America.
I have a book called Privacy - How to Get it and How to Keep it that is a fun read and actually describes how to do what you want.
Don’t rule out buying your own island. Maine alone has thousands of them and some have anywhere from a single cabin to a small town on them. Other areas have them as well. It could be an ocean island or one in a big lake. They don’t have to be all that expensive either.