Spoil "The Odd Life of Timothy Green" for me.

I won’t spoil it, but if you have had infertility issues, be prepared for the first 3rd of the movie to be a real punch to the stomach. It’s cheesy, schmaltzy, and definitely a Disney movie, but that is exactly what it is supposed to be.

So, basically, it’s Nanny McPhee…

Is that your son in the wood chipper there?

Dust to dust.

??? Um. Okay. I don’t know what your problem is but if you don’t care to be helpful you can leave. Nobody put a gun to your head and forced you to read this thread or respond.

I love my Mom but that doesn’t mean I have to be glued to her 24/7. It’s a couple of hours to see a movie that might be depressing and therefore, bad. We live in the same house. We don’t lack time spent together. In fact, I could use a couple of hours to myself. Does it make me a bad person if I’m not into what she wants to do right this minute? I don’t flip out on her if she wants to go do something on her own.

On the same note, you could have just asked us to spoil the movie for you without bringing your mother into the picture. You sounded like Norman bates in your post.

The problem is that the tone of your post made it sound like you were tied to your mom, and didn’t want to go to a sad movie with her. And it did sound like you didn’t like spending time with her. That will always strike a nerve with me, not matter how old the person posting it is.

That being said, perhaps you shouldn’t see the movie.

Sort of like a reverse-Coraline - instead of an Other Mother you’d get an Other Son.

Huh? I didn’t get that at all from the OP. It sounded like she was expecting her mom to ask her if she wanted to go to the movie, and Sodalite just wanted a better idea of whether it would be something that she would like. Norman Bates? Wuh? :confused:

I second this ^

Seriously, ministryman, I think you’re overreacting to the OP.

No, if they really learned something, they’d write down another copy of the list, add “doesn’t dissapear when all his leaves fall off” to the list of traits and bury it in the garden again. Much cheaper and easier than adopting.

So the kid dies at the end. Nope, not watching this with anybody. I just don’t care for depressing movies. It doesn’t matter that most of it was happy, or that the people learn from it, or whatever. I cry enough about crap that I have no control over. I’m not going to pay to be made sad.

Waaaayyyyyy overreacting.

Here is the video.


Is it wrong that I laughed at this?

Well, MeanJoe, that’s exactly what we’d expect from the likes of you :stuck_out_tongue:

To be honest, I thought it was funny in the sense that they’re such over the top drama queens, but then I don’t have a maternal bone in my body. I just found it odd that someone who is supposed to love these little people would have a laugh at their expense and share it with the world.

So I have a rule.

If one person says/thinks/posts that I am _________________, then I dismiss it as a difference of opinion.

If two people do it, same reaction.

However, if three people have, then perhaps it is true.

I will be curious to know if sodalite goes to see the film, and the reaction to it.

That is what I found funny, that they are SO over the top drama queens. I do not have children of my own but if I did, and they acted that way, I’d have to spend some serious time trying to figure out how I failed so badly as a parent to have such delicate flowers of children. Or I’d film it and shame them with it so they never acted so emotionally over-wrought over a movie every again. The video would show up at their high school graduation, emailed to their girlfriends, and shown at their wedding as a lesson in maintaining some self-respect.

I’m kinda mean I guess…

Timothy doesn’t die at the end. He has done his job, and he just goes away. He disappears in a temporary black-out due to lightening & thunder. Big deal. Not so sad. They remark on how he has affected his “parents,” his friends, and the community in general.

I knew what was coming, and didn’t see it as sad. I saw it with my mother, so THERE! :stuck_out_tongue:

Very cute. The whole story is told from the point of view of the parents reflecting back on their experience with Timothy while being interviewed for adoption.

I’m laughing my head off.

MOM: Should people go see this movie?

KID: You’ll tear your eyes out!!!

MOM: (busts out laughing)

I don’t want to see the movie. From what I saw on the trailers, it’s not because the movie looks sad. To me, the movie looks nauseating.

Yeah, there’s that, too. I hate sickly sweet films. I had hopes that this movie would just be some light little fluff. A benign time killer. A lot of laughs, maybe just a bit touching toward the end and then Happily Ever After. I wanted something pleasant and non-violent to watch with my Mom. She just doesn’t enjoy explosions and the undead like I do. If I see ParaNorman in the theater it will be with my friends.

Oh, and Mom doesn’t want to see it either now that she knows they don’t get to keep him. It’s just not as interesting if they don’t get to be a family. She thought it would be funny if they flashed forward and showed Timothy married, with a couple of kids growing out back in cabbage patch.