Our favorite time of year is fast approaching and it’s time for the annual spring prep sessions going on in garages across America.
Along with the new set of DUNLOP d-208 I just ordered I purchased A new RK-gold-0-ring X-Chain (the bomb) along with set of SUNSTAR front and rears sprockets. Even though it’s been a while since I last tackled the task of extracting the Front Sprocket, the pain in the ass has already returned! My question is does any know what the size of the nut (in mm of course) holding that little 13 toothed bitch onto that little “AXIL?”
My Craftsman set goes up to 155mm and my 1 /18 socket is threatening to strip the nut useless!
It has to be somewhere in-between 16mm-19mm
maybe even an unlikely 20mm.
The bike is a cherry 1996 Kawi ZX6-r.
Any help would be very cool. Secondly are there any sites out there that make complete microfiche part diagrams available the public ? I am having trouble lcating one.
Thanks to all the helpful Gearheads out there!
[color=red]Keep it rubber side down![[color]
My family has been in the motorcycle business for about eight years now (suzuki and artic cat) and as far as my knowledge goes honda is the only brand that has complete microfiche avalible online for their products yamaha is running a close second with a couple of porducts, but suzuki and kaw are lagging behind a bit.
If I’m remembering correctly it’s a 20mm. Definatly the same size as the larger side of the rear axel. I’ve got a 95zx6r and it should be the same for you.
Also, check out www.BikeBandit.com They have a large selection of online microfiche for most of the common bikes and they are adding more all the time.
If I’m remembering correctly it’s a 20mm. Definatly the same size as the larger side of the rear axel. I’ve got a 95zx6r and it should be the same for you.
Also, check out www.BikeBandit.com They have a large selection of online microfiche for most of the common bikes and they are adding more all the time.