Sports Broadcasts on the West coast US of A

Are all sports games broadcast live on the West coast, example a Giants at Philadelphia 1:00 PM game local time, will that be shown at 10AM Pacific time. I assume a few overseas events such as tennis from Australia will be tape delayed.

Don’t know about all sports but NFL games are live, which indeed means football at 10 am and 1pm and Monday night football at 6pm. (Which, as an east coaster, that is just wrong.)

They used to tape delay Monday Night Football many years ago. You could win a few bets if you happened to have such a thing as a radio :slight_smile:

All the American sports, Baseball, Football, Hockey, Basketball are live. Things being played not in the US or Canada may be tape delayed. But even then we get the European soccer live. It is not uncommon to see people watching European soccer in the break rooms at work during their lunch. I don’t like tape delayed sports. I find it hard to care about the game if I am not watching it live.

Monday night football is annoying because it starts at 5:30 so I always miss the first quarter and a lot of the second quarter because of work.

Even more strange to watch from Hawaii. As a West Coaster, I’m glad to get the evening games earlier. I hated staying up so late on the East Coast to get West Coast MLB results.

I remember that from the years I lived in Alaska. You could watch Monday Night Football and then go out to dinner.

The Australian Open is actually slightly easier to watch on the West Coast. The finals matches started at 3:30am Eastern, which is only half past midnight in the Pacific Time Zone.

I grew up in the Central Time Zone but spent ten years in the Pacific. I enjoyed the the “early” late afternoon NFL games, hated getting up for Noon ET Saturday college football games, and also hated never seeing a whole Monday Night Game unless I snuck out of work early.

I grew up on the east coast and when I first met someone from the west cast this dawned on me and I had the same reaction. What?! Games at 10am on Sunday? That is crazy! But now living on the west coast, all I can say is that this is much, much better. To each his own.

Some “British Pub” type places in CA will open at ridiculously early hours in the AM to show Premier League games. That’s an 8 hour difference.

I only have heard about two cases where this was true:
–ABC’s Seattle and Portland affiliates would tape delay games by one hour unless the Seahawks were playing. This ended by the 90s.
–Before satellites become common and relatively cheap, Alaska and Hawaii affiliates would tape delay most sporting events until later in the day. (Super Bowls and similarly big contests went out live.) Depending on who you believe, it was either to get more people to watch or enabled the stations to stuff extra commercials so as to pay the high satellite fees.

MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, and college football/basketball games shown live on the East coast are always shown live on the West coast. The same is true for Nascar and Wimbledon. The only major event I know of that isn’t shown live on the West coast is the British (golf) Open, which is tape delayed, though I don’t know if they also delay it on the East coast. One reason more sports aren’t taped delayed is that most major sports cable networks (all the ESPN channels, NBC Sports, Golf Channel) typically only have one feed. Contrast this to Nickelodeon, which has seperate East & West coast feeds.

Are you sure? I live on the west coast, and don’t remember a tape-delayed British Open. It may seem tape delayed because it’s rather late in the evening in the UK, but you have to remember that in Scotland in July, sunset can be after 10 PM local time (2 PM Pacific time).

The only time I remember a major sporting event being aired live in the east but delayed in the west is when CBS had Friday night NBA games in the late 1970s.

One reason for not delaying sports broadcasts in the west: Las Vegas is in the Pacific time zone, and very few people are going to bet on a sporting event they can’t watch live.

As for the “east feed/west feed” thing, I get both feeds of TNT, and both show NASCAR events live, so you do have programs that air before the race on the eastern feed but after the race on the western one.

As mentioned above, the Monday Night Football games play havoc with West Coast work & commute schedules. But for the brief time I lived in California, I loved the Sunday games-- I could sleep late, then roll out of bed just in time for football. The games would all be over by dinner time when it was still light out (this was back before Sunday Night Football became a thing). I had no complaints with that schedule!