Spring Ahead Sun, Mar 12, 2023 @2:00am (Time Change of Clocks)

That would be neither one, of course.

I had no idea DST began today – dunno how I missed the memo, but apparently I did – so when I woke up this morning I was quite disoriented.

Its now a quarter past 11 and everyone is still asleep. As soon as they all wake up I’ll go around and change all the clocks as well as my watches.

I think I’m the only person who actually likes the system we have. I like the late evening light in the summer and I like having early-ish daylight in the winter. Switching the clocks doesnt really affect me, and my already crappy sleep patterns don’t seem to suffer from the change. It was better before Dubya screwed with it and shortened standard time but this is still exponentially better than the “permanent DST” nonsense that some advocate for.

It stays lighter out later during the spring and summer. That’s better than it getting dark at 4pm.

For reasons that have nothing to do with DST.

If you want more time between when you get off work and sunset, then ask your boss to make your workday 8-4 or 7-3 instead of 9-5. That’s a lot more direct solution to the problem than changing all of the clocks.

I say it every year, twice a year, and I’ll keep saying it. Standard time year round.

Knuckleheads here in Washington (state) want year-round Daylight Saving Time. It’s a stupid idea. If you don’t want to change your clocks, just use Standard Time.

Although it would be hilarious watching their reactions when the Sun doesn’t come up until 9 in the morning (and they’ll still have to drive home in the dark).

I suspect what they want is light in the evening and light in the morning and not to have to change their clocks. So, move to the equator, I guess?

I wonder how long it would take after we changed to permanent DST for people to be up in arms about the increased number of children hit by cars while waiting for school buses in the dark on winter mornings.

Would it have killed anyone to make the shift on the last Sunday of October, so the kids could have an extra hour of darkness for Trick or Treat?

I am another one who would rather have Standard time all year long. I am very much a morning person, and would rather have it light as early as possible. I suppose those late summer evenings where it’s light until nine are kind of cool, but I’d still rather have more light in the morning than the evening.

I remember that they specifically moved it to the first weekend in November so that children would have more daylight while trick-or-treating

Edited because I’m better at concepts than details

My gf was grumbling this morning when she went outside in the dark to care for her horses, feed the deer, fill bird feeders, etc.

See also this current thread in FQ: