Spring cleaning tips for the housework impaired

You can wash walls? Crazy talk!

I need a week off work to clean my house the way it needs cleaning.

It is crazy! I must’ve had a moment.

A moment? More than one! Begone, wench! Clearly you’re not truly housework impaired.

Passover is late this year. Spring cleaning doesn’t happen until a week or so before Passover- you’ll just have to do it all over again then anyway, so why?

That was the only housework I did though!

I don’t think I’ve ever dusted…

I dust on alternate returns of Halley’s Comet. For the record, I did dust in 1985.

Indeed! I can’t find bags for my old Regina upright. It’s my belief that the vacuum-cleaner-bag manufacturers are in league with the makers of vacuum cleaners. It’s an international cabal intended to force us to buy new vacuum cleaners when we can’t get bags for the old cleaners. (And as you so astutely pointed out, their performance when full sucks…which is to say, they don’t suck worth a darn.) But, I showed’em what’s what by going industrial - and you can still get filters for my 25-year-old shop vac! And it even cleans up some of the dirt that’s under the carpet, by sucking it right through the nap.

:eek: The vacuum is supposed to pick stuff off of the floor? Really? :: goes to amazon to look for a new vacuum ::

I’m truly cleaning impaired, but I like things clean, and I’m too poor to hire someone to do it for me. So, about once a month, I try to clean things. That was yesterday.

I could theoretically clean the inside of my windows, but I can’t do the outside (I live in a basement apartment with decorative iron bars.) so, why bother with it at all. :smiley:

My great-grandmother used the same vacuum cleaner for about 50 years, insisting that they didn’t make vacuums as good as hers anymore. It cost her hundreds of dollars to repair it, but she kept having it repaired instead of getting a new one. She never had a problem finding bags.

Sorry for the double post.

My roommate and I have been trying to convince ourselves to clean for months and have been failing at it. Now I have a date on Wednesday and I would like to be able to invite them up for a cup of coffee at the end of the evening so we have started setting a timer for 15 minutes and cleaning as much as we can for those 15 minutes every day. It has made a tremendous improvement. Though if my date doesn’t go well and I don’t have to worry about inviting them up again I’m sure it will be back to living like amateur hoarders very quickly.

Tip: Wait until the cat has barfed *all * of whatever-it-was before cleaning the floors.

I don’t believe in spring cleaning.

I am, however, a firm believer in “clean up a bit (and declutter a lot) before you have visitors” even if the visitor is only the maintenance man coming to fix the toilet.

Note: despite the involvement of the only toilet in my apartment in my most recent maintenance request, it was not an emergency and occurred unexpectely on Saturday. My toilet was still flushable, one just had to take the top off the tank to do so. Still, I removed more recyclables to the recycling bin (and trash to the trash bin) than I’d like to admit to, BEFORE I sent in the maintainence request.

For a visitor I would clean (just as well I rarely have any). Maintenance guys, not so much. I figure they’re probably going to make a mess anyway, so why not wait and clean after they leave?

Instead I focus on putting away the stuff I’d just as soon the maintenance guys didn’t see. My underwear, the fungus medications, credit cards and cash (they’re nice guys, but why place temptation in their path?), the books about forensics, the books about explosives, the books about sex…

Well, when I say I “clean” for the maintainence guys, I don’t really mean that I scrub the kitchen floor–though it needs it. I do mean I wash all the dishes, rather than leaving them piled high in the sink, and yes–the clean underwear all got put away. But mostly, I just got motivated to actually get stuff out of my apartment, and somewhat up off the floor.

So that’s why the SO wears houseshoes & gave me some too!


My husband is in awe of my ability to ignore everything on the floors. In all fairness, I do clean the kitchen and bathroom regularly.

Screw spring. And screw housecleaning. Matter of fact, screw you, house, for getting dirty to begin with. And while I’m at it, screw you, too, eyeballs, for having to look at it.

And you’ll let us know how the group date goes, right? :smiley:

We’ve started using a cleaning lady. It costs about $100 a time, but really worth it.