Stacked with Pam Anderson

I don’t want to watch it. I am sure it will tank (even though it has the wonderful Christopher Lloyd in it).

However, my husband has been anticipating this show for weeks, so I will grit my teeth and endure it.

My Og, People still pay her to be on T.V.? :confused:
And other people watch? :confused: :smack:


Agreed it will tank.

Pam Anderson is the only hot girl I have no interest in seeing more of, odd as that is to say (or type).


Pam Anderson. A bookstore. Christopher Lloyd. I want to see it. Badly. Except for the part where I’m out of the habit of watching TV. I’ve gotten to ‘know’ Pam fairly well from her interviews with Howard Stern. She’s not stupid, she’s interesting, and she’s… expressive. If I had to name someone with potential to be a modern Lucille Ball, I’d put her.

(On the other hand, I think Anna Nicole Smith is the modern Marilyn Monroe. Not too swift, loopy in the head, a bit zaftig, and bouncing up and down on pills)

I might watch it just for the hell of it. Maybe I’ll get a few laughs out of it.

Marilyn Monroe? Not even close–ANS is nowhere as hot, nowhere as talented.

Mamie Van Doren is more like it.

I’d like to watch it. I’ve always loved Pam. She’s beeeyoootiful.

Just out of curiosity, anyone seen what she looks like under those 10lbs of makeup?

I have, and the answer is: pretty bad.

What does any 40-year-old woman look like sans makeup? Seriously.

And ain’t no makeup on that body. She’s awesome. Second only to Carmen Electra who is my favorite.

I thought she looked better with unmodified funbags. Ditto for Anna Nichole Smith. I think for a lot of women, breast implants are a step backward appearance-wise.

I always thought Anna Nicole was all natural.

Anna Nicole Smith has implants?

I think it’s way to early to assume it’ll tank. Although I’ll agree it won’t be good.

She looked cute no matter what, but do you think she could have had the career she’s had with her natural B- cups? She became a glam bombshell when she got her boobies, before that she was the girl-next-door.

Good implants are good, bad boob jobs are the work of satan. haha.

Hey, in a world where Arrested Development and The Office are both teetering on the edge of not being renewed, this will probably be a huge hit.

That said, I enjoyed Pam’s previous show V.I.P. (although She-Spies was way better).

I love Pam Anderson, and I think she’s done damn well for herself - if she’s happy with her appearance, I think that’s wonderful. Too many of us are unhappy with the way we look, and there she is, a beacon in the dark. No, I don’t want giant falsies or gorgeous blonde hair, but she does, and I’m very happy for her.

That said… I think the show will tank. Not because of the actors, but just from the previews - how far can they go with that one joke? Perhaps a little while, but it just doesn’t seem to have… “variety”, I think is the word I’m looking for. However, I would have to watch the show to know for certain, so I am judging only by the previews. It might turn out to be pretty good.

If by “pretty bad” you meant “better than 99% of the 40 year old women out there” then i guess we agree. And yes i’ve seen her without make up, she looks like an extremely hot woman without make up.

The Simple Life is still on TV. There’s evidence that a famous person with few talents and a leaked porn video can get by doing the same stupid thing over and over and people will watch it.

Pam’s video was infinitely hotter than Paris’s. That is all. :smiley:

If you’re into watching a heavily tattooed man play with his penis, I suppose it is pretty hot.

Paris’s video must have been pretty bad in comparison, is all I have to say.

[small]Admittedly, I am into watching heavily tattooed, hung men play with their penises. But that’s just me . . . [/small]