Stalking harassment

You can ask for mod intervention without publicly calling out the perpetrators, via PM or email. You don’t have to start a thread on it. If you are going to start a thread that publicly names someone and accuses them of harassment, you ought to be prepared to spend the time to link to examples of said harassment, no matter how onerous a task it is.

Baah. mswas recently accused me of exactly the same thing - I notice I’m not on his list anymore, and that’s probably because we haven’t butted heads over anything recently. And that’s what I think it is - mswas over-reacting to people disagreeing with his opinions or the validity of his beliefs. I wasn’t stalking him then, and I don’t think these folk are stalking him now.

I concur, FWIW.

I don’t have anything against mswas in general but his responses in the recent pit threads seem to be out of proportion to what he’s responding to, especially as not responding at all would have made the various issues all go away quickly. Frankly, I’m (genuinely) starting to worry about him - this current desperate need for attention is not healthy.

I don’t think mswas would mind disagreement so much if those who disagreed with him were scientific in their thinking regarding the dismissal of his ideas and if they were to practice suspended judgment – the purest meaning of skepticism and an essential part of the scientific method.

But most do not. They point, bash, laugh and show their own ignorance of enlightenment and reason. They use the words metaphysics and metaphysical carelessly as if its only meaning is “supernatural.” And all the time metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that deals with “the fundamental nature of reality.” (Thus saith Noah’s dick.)

By their own logic, most would dismiss Aristotle’s thinking as a waste of time because it isn’t science.

I can see why mswas feels like he is being targeted. Just like Christian fundamentalists, many in this group are very loud and insistent that they have all of the answers that ever can be.

mswas, ignore the ones who huff and puff the loudest. They are mistaken. There is one who is careful to qualify everything. He’s no fool. And there are a lot of people who responded who are reasonable in their scientific thinking and they seem patient and skeptical in healthy ways. Who can ask for more? Try to have a sense of humor about the rest.

I think you handled this just fine in your own way in this thread. I never apologize when I don’t mean it either.

I hope that I haven’t said anything here that annoys you. Sometimes I enjoy disagreeing with you, but I don’t ever mean or take anything personally between the two of us.

Moderator Note:


Mentioning who is on your ignore list, outside of the Pit, isn’t allowed. It’s considered an insult. And, speaking of insults, calling someone an idiot droog doesn’t fly in this forum or any others outside of the Pit.

As to your allegations of stalking, and since you don’t seem to be willing to provide any clear cut examples, its hard to agree with you.

Thread closed.

samclem Moderator