Stanley Kubrick

What was Stanley Kubrick’s real first name? His parents changed it 2 days after he was born. Thank you

Niether the IMDB, The Biographical Dictionary of Film, nor The Film Encyclopedia make reference to this alleged name change. This link does provide a list of Kubrick print biographies, though:,+Stanley

It’s possible that Kubrick’s name was changed, but I haven’t found any documentation.

Just a thought: Kubrick was Jewish, and it’s very common for Jewish families to name a baby after a beloved deceased relative, but to call him by an Anglicized name.

So, while Kubrick may never have gone through a formal name change, it’s possible that his parents named him… who knows? Shlomo, Shmuel, or some similar name (after a grandfather or an uncle back in Germany or Russia) but always called him Stanley.