Star Trek Discovery Season 3 (Open Spoilers)

How does the Federation- or anyone, for that matter- defend against enemy boarders who can just instantly teleport anywhere they want? Why bother having ship-based weapons? Just transport a bomb onto your enemy’s bridge and you win.

I can’t remember what is right now, but at least it used to be that shields had to be down to both send and receive transports.

that no longer appears to be the case - or the needed improvements to the sheilds to prevent the new transporters were left off the upgrade list.

Which is ‘odd’ - given that supersmart kid ‘blocked’ the transporters when at earth.

I’m trying to remember here, maybe I’ve just blocked it all out. But where they preparing to jump and hence maybe needed shields down? Or were they just sitting their chatting?

That rather obvious fact will be completely forgotten.

This is why one of the very few consistent technical elements of Star Trek since 1966 has been that transporters don’t work through shields. If they do, then that would be the only logical way to fight.

And the depressing thing is that in the hands of competent writers it could make for an interesting storyline. The bright eyed and bushy tailed officer, with her eyes on promotion, fails at the first hurdle. A crisis in confidence begins to affect her regular work. She screws up in some further way that puts the crew at risk and Saru has to make decisions about whether to keep her on after she made the huge sacrifice of jumping centuries into the future with the crew, knowing that she has no family to fall back on.

Saru himself should lose his command for his stupidity, and for the fact every other bridge officer would doubt his ability even more than they already would have.

Instead there will be crying and everyone will agree Tilly is awesome.

I LIKE Tilly as a character but this bizarre sideline is just another ridiculous error on top of so many.

Indeed. They are treating being an officer like being in a junior school football/soccer team. Everyone gets to play! Everyone gets a medal!

I still like Saru’s promotion of her -

… until a more suitable replacement is found …

“Hey, I need a name in this role while I look for someone actually qualified that wants it - you’re not doing much anyway, so here”

Which I immediately read as, “…until a plot contrivance comes around and I can, with the slimmest justification, give it to Burnham.”

Well, she is more important than she knows…

What are the odds Tilly will order a crew mate on a suicide mission to save the ship? I had thought once she sat in the captain’s chair it would be a little transformative for her, like she’d begin to get a little more Picardian or whatever. But after watching her spend her first minutes of command getting into a catty trash talking contest like a 12 year old on the playground, I’m thinking the school of hard choices is the only believable way forward for her character.

Oh, and eta
Whoever she would pick to send on a suicide mission, it has to be a real no-backsies-you’re-off-the-show type deal and a recurring character who’s actually had some screen time and whose leaving would actually be felt (at least somewhat) by the audience, so we’re talking like Owo or Detmer level, not another out of the blue Fartbotting.

I wouldn’t hang Tilly’s faults on the character, considering Osyraa acted the same way. I’m not sure that behavior is something the writers will consider a fault.

I watched the latest episode a few minutes ago. Wow. I didn’t hate all of it, but the last 30 seconds. . .wow. Holy shit, that’s just. . . OK, I can’t form a real thought, because I can’t. Stop. LAUGHING!

That’s some real B-movie, “*Batteries Not Included”, late-80’s cutesy shit right there with the DOT-23’s. Help us Johnny-5, you’re our only hope! BTW, what the FUCK are DOT-23’s? Was I supposed to know about them? Were they introduced before? It doesn’t make the scene any less laughable if they were, but it adds a little more WTF to the soup if they just introduced them now as if they were a known quantity.

Also, remember Michael’s emergency call to Mom early this episode, because a Vulcan strike force will arrive late in the season finale. Pavel Checkov’s gun, you know.

Must. . . stop. . .giggling at the saluting refugees from the movie, “The Black Hole.”

Repair robots have been shown moving around in several episodes this season.

This episode started to redeem the prior one, and then failed miserably - no spectacularly.

The best part(s) of this one were between Osiras and The Admiral. Was kinda hoping that Osiras would have been ‘trapped’ in that office and the escorts were similarly so - letting her go back to Discovery was incredibly hairbrained at that point.

“Keep Tapping” - I did like that.

And there’s a 3rd part? where mommy saves the day and everyone gets better?

Atleast they finally got the next Die Hard installment done - in Space!

Really stupid of Federation Guy to not take the deal being handed to him. A top jerk avoids punishment? Sucks, but a small price to pay for peace. (See: WWII.)

There was also a Short Trek, “Ephraim and Dot” that did an animated showcase on the 23rd century version of these: Ephraim and Dot (episode) | Memory Alpha | Fandom

Am I the only one who thinks the 32nd Century Stephan Hawkings is Mr Osyraa? He said that his partner was Orion, and Osyraa seems way too nice to him. An almost wifely affection.

Why didn’t Admiral Ardeth Bey kiss Oayraa’s feet and accept the terms, instead of getting hung up over “justice”? Osyraa has done nasty things, big fucking deal. The best part of TOS, TNG, DS9, and the movies is when we see the Federation being willing and doing nasty things. Can you imagine Sisko batting an eyelid at Deep sixing any prosecution of Osyraa? Jean Luc would have probably had a monologue about the distasteful necessity that peace somethings requires and signed. (Kirk would have signed and then banged her of course).
They spend an entire episode trying to establish her as deeper than a cartoonish villain that we had been led to believe (ala Dukat) and then throw it all out)

I had the same thought.