Star Trek Discovery Season 3 (Open Spoilers)

She was Empress of the Galaxy. This was achieved, I assume, with the information and technology USS Defiant provided. Not just a jumpstart on tech, superior to Earth’s neighbors but the location of any number of artifacts and useful civilizations and resources.

Now that usefulness is probably greatly diminished in the time period they are in now, especially since David Cronenberg seems to have all kinds of info on the happenings of adjacent dimensions.

When you see some of the silly shit she’s done in HK, this is just par for the course.

Those are supposed to be silly.

But she takes them seriously, is my point. Watch something like Silver Hawk, where she’s a silver hot pants-wearing biking superhero, and she’s as serious about that as she is about Georgiou. Consummate pro.

Well, the CSI guy said she tried! In all seriousness I’m not sure the person who wrote Page 51 of the script bothered to read Page 32.

For the first few minutes of the episode I thought “this might actually be okay.” Giorgiou being all Emperoresque would be fun. And then… it was all about Michael Burnham, once again! Burnham, Burnham, Burnham! Giorgiou was merciful to Burnham, to save Burnham! Her arc was trying to save Burnham! (And a little Saru.) Burnham saw her off though the Forever portal, with tears, but not before Giorgiou told Burnham how WONDERFUL she was!

I’m starting to think someone in wthe writing team is actually trolling us. What was already bad about this show?

  • Obsession with Michael Burnham
  • Supporting characters with no purpose
  • Huge amounts of forced emotion, but lack of plot advancement
  • Storylines being forgotten about

They’ve dialled everything up to 12. It’s like they read online comments sections and said “Well fuck you, you don’t like that? We’ll give you more!”

I’ve been saying for two seasons that I have no idea why Giorgiou was on the show at all. Her character served no purpose at all, but it did serve the purpose of perfectly encapsulating the show at the end of this episode. It hit every bullet point above:

  1. Though this scene is ostensibly about Giorgiou, it ended up focused, once again, on Burnham.

  2. No one else gets to show any characterization; it’s all about a character that didn’t even have a job on the ship.

  3. Everyone is acting all misty-eyed about a character who was never once shown to have engaged with any of them on a personal level, save Burnham. They are literally being asked to show lots of emotion based on something we are never shown or told about. It’s 100% forced emotion.

  4. The bit about the lost Kalpien ship? Hello? Follow up on that please? Nope, we end with the silly Giorgiou memorial.

Well, they managed to come up with an outstandingly stupid cause for The Burn.

Well, suddenly the last two episodes look like Emmy Award Nominee material.

Holy Shit that was bad - actually - worse than bad - its the kind of episode that makes the ‘Alternative Factor’ look good in comparison.

Kinda fucking wish we had, now.

That about sums it up. The only way it could get stupider is if they some how reverse the Burn.

The Burn was caused by a child’s night terrors?

Tilly will personally reverse it next episode after everyone tearfully whisper-promotes her to Admiral.

acting Admiral - until a suitable replacement can be found.

This is all your fault @RickJay.

Watching right now, but Burnham’s worry about whether Saru would be objective is the howler of the season for me, so far. Really? You think other’s judgments could be clouded by their emotions…?

Did they ever, though. I’m not sure how the actor playing Culber actually managed to deliver his gobbledegook about how the body adapts and the radiation influenced the cells in utero and dilithium and something something and now somehow, that means that a child of an otherwise ordinary race (that is, not possessed of any of the Star Trek magic abilities) is able to influence all the dilithium in the entire galaxy with a straight face. Plus, apparently, not all dilithium was affected (including, apparently, all the dilithium closest to the source of the burn?), so why was some spared?

Really, going with ‘a wizard Q did it’ might have been a better choice…

…then again, how much of a good reason for anything should I really expect from a show where one of the central conceits is that spaceships can travel on magic mushrooms…?

Well, that was pretty awful.

It’s a shame because at times it was okay. Them finding their way through the mind-bending simulation was pretty cool. The monster looked great. We briefly got to see people doing things without Burnham. And then it all went to shit.

Did NOBODY on Discovery make any effort to resist the boarders?

How the fuck did the pirate ship jump away?

She was connected to Discovery by those mechanical tentacles. Osyraa seems to know an awful lot about Discovery, the spore drive, and just how to capture it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That was courtesy of Book’s “trust me, it’s safe” Emerald Chain wifi extender.

and a conveniently rescued andorian.

So I trust that whenever they get Discovery back the first thing that happens is that Tilly loses the First Officer position? Because the first time she takes control of the ship she loses it to the baddies. That’s got to look bad on the CV.