Star Trek Next Gen ---ANIMATED!

A homebrew version of a ST:NG Filmation-style Animated version.


Nice - The music on that brought back memories. ST:TAS was one of my favorite cartoons when I was little.

Thanks for sharing that.

TAS was better than almost all of the third season of TOS.

LOL as they used the pink mauve color for the Borg Cube. One of the animators was color-blind, and accidentally had all the Klingons wearing pink uniforms.

I can’t let that go – it’s three letter acronyms in Trekdom, Bosda! ST:TOS, ST:TAS, ST:TNG, ST:DS9, ST:VOY, ST:ENT, ST:DSC (I assume?), ST:PIC (sure, why not?), ST:LOW …OK, at some point I think we actually gave up on those, but at least through Enterprise the pattern held strong.

I don’t have the link handy but that same creator also did Voyager.

I’ve also seen something for Lower Decks. I don’t know if it’s just a static image or if there’s a fully animated segment somewhere.