"Star Trek" pixel art

  1. Kor
  2. Kang
  3. Koloth
  4. Mick Fleetwood? (Shuddup!)
  5. Tribbles
  6. Cyrano Jones
  7. Capt. Christopher Pike
  8. A Talosian
  9. (As noted) Kirk on the android world
  10. The Horta
  11. The Salt Vampire
  12. A Tellarian
  13. An Excalbian, possibly Yarnek
  14. Apollo
  15. Nomad
  16. Tremane
  17. Balok puppet
  18. Balok
  19. Kirk (TMP)
  20. Spock (TMP)
  21. McCoy (TMP)
  22. Uhura (TMP)

I was happy to see Porthos and M’Ress.

  1. Sulu (TMP)
  2. Checkhov (TMP)
  3. Scotty (TMP)
  4. Ilia
  5. Decker
  6. Kirk (WoK)
  7. Spock (WoK)
  8. McCoy (WoK)
  9. Sulu (WoK)
  10. Checkhov (WoK)
  11. Uhura (WoK)
  12. Scotty (WoK)
  13. Saavik (WoK)
  14. Capt. Terrell
  15. Spock again…don’t remember a scene where he’s wearing black in WoK
  16. Old!Khan
  17. Carol Marcus
  18. David Marcus
  19. A targ
  20. Kruge
  21. Sarek
  22. Amanda
  23. T’Lar
  24. Gillian Taylor

Near the beginning. Admiral Kirk is aboard the Enterprise for inspection, with Spock commanding, when they’re called off the training cruise to investigate Regula 1. Kirk finds Spock in his quarters meditating in Vulcan robes, and they have a conversation wherein Spock willingly cedes command to Kirk.

  1. Kirk (IV)
  2. Spock (IV)
  3. Uhura (IV)
  4. Sulu (IV)
  5. Chekhov (IV)
  6. Scotty (IV)
  7. Adm. Cartwright
  8. (No idea)
  9. Sybok
  10. Gen. Chang
  11. Chancellor Gorkon
  12. Valeris
  13. Martia
  14. Colonel Worf
  15. Ambassador Nanclus
  16. Col. West
  17. Ra-ghoratreii (Federation president)
  18. Picard
  19. Data
  20. Riker
  21. Worf
  22. Crusher

Note: This is not all from memory…and it’s really going to slow down when I get to Enterprise…

Okay, I remember that now. I don’t know why they felt they had to throw that version in the chart…there were plenty of scenes of other characters in different clothes that they didn’t include.

#78 is the unnamed human President of the Federation that appears in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

  1. LaForge
  2. Troi
  3. Yar
  4. Wesley
  5. O’Brien
  6. Barkley?
  7. Ro Laren
  8. Guinan
  9. Q
  10. Lore
  11. Soong
  12. Lwaxana Troi
  13. Mr. Homm
  14. Alexander
  15. K’eylehr
  16. Sela
  17. I think it’s supposed to be Dr. [del]Grumbles[/del] Pulaski
  18. Nurse Ogawa
  19. The Traveler
  20. Picard as Dixon Hill
  21. Locutus of Borg
  22. Dr. Moriarty
  23. LaForge as Watson
  24. Data as Sherlock Holmes
  25. Spot

I figured that, but searches kept bringing up the one with the hair (from VI).

98 looks like Barkley to me too.

I love that Spot and Porthos made the cut and that data and Lore have orange eyes. Also the mysterious bad guy from the future trying to change the timeline from Enterprise in the middle of the last line.

I recognize about 80% but I am really curious as to who or what is the thing is in the second to last line at the far left. I’m thinking it might be species whatever from liquid space. They are my favorite aliens.

Tahssa, you’re right - it’s a member of Species 8472, whose native universe is called fluidic space. I concur on #98, except it’s spelled Barclay. Reginald Barclay.

Correction: 104 is Kamala, from “The Perfect Mate”

  1. Hugh
  2. L’ursa (or B’etor)
  3. B’etor (or L’ursa)
  4. Admiral Nechayev
  5. Perrin, Sarek’s wife
  6. Mr. Mot
  7. Remmick from “Conspiracy”
  8. Lwaxana Troi
  9. Sam Lavelle (from “Below Decks”)
  10. Sito Jaxa (from “Below Decks”)
  11. Admiral Jarok(?)
  12. Boothby
  13. Dathon (“TANAGRA! When the walls fell!”)
  14. A Pakled
  15. Soren
  16. Borg Queen
  17. Zefram Cochrane
  18. Lily Sloane
  19. Ru’afo (from Insurrection)
  20. The Viceroy (from Nemesis)

I think 126 is the extremely elderly Admiral McCoy, from the TNG pilot.

  1. Shinzon (from Nemesis)
  2. Beardless Sisko
  3. Jake Sisko
  4. Odo
  5. Kira
  6. O’Brien
  7. Bashir
  8. Dax
  9. Garak
  10. Tora Ziyal
  11. Quark
  12. Rom
  13. Nog
  14. Morn
  15. Keiko
  16. Molly
  17. Kai Opaka
  18. Kai Wynn
  19. Vedek Bareil
  20. Dukat
  21. Worf

It’s quittin’ time. I’ll resume and fill in some blanks once I’m home and had dinner.

Miller: I think you’re right, now that you’ve pointed it out.

I skipped someone somewhere and I don’t know who. Worf is in position 165, not 164. I don’t know how far up the omission happened.

ETA: Found it…I skipped McCoy (IV) in the fourth row. sigh Be aware that everything after that is off by one. I’m just going to start the next row at the correct number as of the chart on the Trexels page.

Incidentally, I think 156 (actually 157) is Ezri Dax.

  1. Gowron
  2. Martok
  3. Kurn
  4. Bearded Sisko
  5. Kasidy Yates
  6. Teenage Jake Sisko
  7. Joe Sisko
  8. Starfleet Nog
  9. Vic Fontaine
  10. Ishka (Moogie)
  11. A Breen
  12. Weyoun
  13. Female Founder
  14. Grand Nagus Zek
  15. Maihar’du
  16. Commander Eddington
  17. Jem’hadar
  18. Janeway
  19. Tuvok
  1. Chakotay
  2. Paris
  3. Kim
  4. Bell’ana
  5. The Doctor
  6. Neelix
  7. Kes
  8. 7 of 9
  9. Captain Proton
  10. Buster Kincaid
  11. Dr. Chaotica
  12. Satan’s Robot
  13. Queen Arachnia
  14. Seska
  15. Restored Seska?
  16. Naomi Wildman
  17. A Vidiian, possibly Danara Pel
  18. Leonardo da Vinci
  19. Hirogen?
  20. Species 8472

Now we’re getting into the Trek series I never did watch, so I’m going to be digging a lot in Google and Memory Alpha.

  1. Archer
  2. T’Pol
  3. Trip
  4. Hoshi
  5. Malcolm
  6. Travis
  7. Phlox
  8. Porthos
    Aaaaand I’m out. I have no frame of reference for anything else in that row.

I think I can fill in some gaps:

78 Adm. Cartwright
127 (not 126) McCoy
153 Quark
156 Morn
162 Vedek Bareil
179 Minister Jaro Essa
182 Luther Sloan
184 Inglatu, a Dosi
185 Ornithar, First Minister of the Karemma

EH, I messed up the numbering early on…a lot of those blanks should be for the next figure over.