Star Trek Story You'd Like To See

There was also a story in one the now-defunct comics in which they took apart McCoy’s communicator, figured out how it worked, and started a Federation-styled society. The two may be related.

Here’s how the blurb in TV Guide might describe my idea for a TNG episode:

“While establishing diplomatic relations with a media-obsessed planet, the members of the away team struggle with their unwanted status as celebrities.”

The episode would poke fun at the entire Trekkie phenomenon. People would be marketing little Data dolls; Troi would discover that pirated nude images of her were all over the planet’s Web; tabloids would have lurid headlines about Riker and various female starlets; and Picard would have to fend off a civil lawsuit in the planet’s courts.

My idea for a Voyager episode: the local authorities seize custody of Naomi Wildman, claiming that Voyager is an unsafe environment for her. It’s a “clip” episode in which the child protection workers recount all the times Voyager was on the brink of destruction since Naomi’s birth.

Re: returning to Iotia. Writer/producer Ronald D. Moore wanted this to be the thirtieth anniversary DS9 episode. His idea was that the Iotians took the communicator McCoy left, and somehow were able to tap into all of Captin Kirk’s logs, all of the Enterprise blueprints, etc. When Sisko and gang returned there, they found a society of people collectively living in their parents’ basements, arguing over the blueprints, acting out episodes, drssing up in Starfleet uniforms, etc.

In short, they had become the image of the needto-get-a-life, full-blown nerdy Trekkies.

They decided to go with the Tribbles crossover instead.

Sir Rhosis

That woodaben cool.

Where ya been, Rho? We need more Trekkers to talk to, you know?

I’ve been reading threads from before I signed up to The Dope, and I’m wondering… Where did all those Trekkers go?

^^^We got lives? :smiley:

Still come around and read from time to time, don’t post as much.

Sir Rhosis

Ha ha ha, good one! :dubious:

Oh well, at least I’m not still addicted to koala porn.

A team of meta-physical experts (Vulcans, Betazoids, etc.) are contacted by Starfleet to fly into the Bajoran Wormhole/Celestial Temple in order to contact Capt. Ben Sisko and convince the Prophets to release him back to his family.

The team is given unprecedented access to computer records, in order to view as much recorded audio and video containing Sisko, in order to interpret the Prophets habit of communication through re-inacting the communicatee’s memories.

Once in the wormhole, the team leader opens an Orb/Tear of the Prophets, he is immediately trancended to the non-linear ream of the Prophets:

“Greetings, Prophets. I have been sent by my people to communicate with ‘The Sisko’.”

“I’m Here…what do you want?”

"I Have been sent by Starfleet Command to retrieve you, if possible. Your family misses you…and Starfleet needs your presence back on DS9 as a visible presence to the Cardassians and the Dominion that ‘The Emissary of the Prophets’ is still standing point.
"Sisko, I’m here to tell you…you’re gonna stay right here, you sonuvabitch. Starfleet gave away my home to the Cardie Spoonheads because our worlds weren’t worth fighting for; easier to bend over backwards for them and Starfleet Security yanking us out at phaserpoint to be dumped on some backwater planet with unfinished pre-fab units…and we’re supposed to be grateful? You yourself poisoned our world because you couldn’t stand us having something not assigned and controlled by your oh-so-precious Starfleet.
"When the rest of my Maquis people were slaughtered by the Jem’Hadar, I swore I would make Starfleet…and YOU PERSONALLY…pay dearly. During my time on DS9, I opened up a hidden file…one you thought you erased. Apparently, when a Gul erases a file, it is automatically sequestered away for retrieval from an Obsidian Order operative: you can never know when an autonomous Cardassian says something he rather not hear again.
"Anyways, You yourself admit to not only bribing Quark to keep his mouth shut, but in Conspiracy to assasinate that Romulan Senator…after the fact…in order to bring the Romulan Star Empire into the fight against the Dominion.
"I know you want to go back to your loved ones, and Serving Starfleet means more than anything else in the world to you, but you’rs staying RIGHT HERE.
“Or else your son and wife will know what you did, your collegues on DS9 will know what you did, Bajor will know what you did, The United Federation of Planets will know what you did, AND WITHOUT A DOUBT THE ROMULAN STAR EMPIRE WILL DEFINITELY KNOW WHAT YOU DID”

Sisko’s face crumples in tears as his most shameful disgrace is revealed, and all his hopes and dreams are ripped away, just like the homes of the DMZ refugees.

Later, theship returns from the wormhole, and the leader issues his report, apologising for the failure: apparently ‘the Prophets’, require Sisko to remain with them indefinitely.

Heretires to his quarters with a satisfied, smug look on his face.