Star Trek - The Motion Picture

The “special edition” padded out the V’Ger interior shots.

Although he was formerly a cop, Roddenberry was something of a liberal. He refused to even imply that Star Fleet was a military organization. The future was a social utopia and starships were for exploration, not conquest.

He so disliked the script for STII:TWOK that Paramount basically told him to get lost and they handed it over to Harve Bennet who did nothing less than completely save the franchise with Wrath of Kahn.

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Should the Star Trek movie franchise call it quits?

Star Trek II - The Wrath Of Khan (SPOILERS!!)

Star Trek Fans - Order the films, from best to worst!

Who here thinks “The Wrath of Khan” was the best Star Trek movie, and why?
Just a few of the Trek Doper Movie Threads from the past, which, thanks to Crewman Daniels, is now the future past of the past’s future. (It makes sense, read it again).

Not saying to end this discussion. But, it might help explain Trekker’s feelings towards the films.

Ahhhh, so that’s the one I saw? Ack.

Thanks for clarifying. I never saw in theaters originally, but I remember seeing it shown on TV from time to time. I guess I remember that scene from one of those times.

Rock climbing, Joel…

I remember really liking this movie at the time I saw it in 1979. However, this version has been unseen for 24 years now, having been dumped in favor of a “special edition”. Any time I have seen the new version, I have gotten so incredibly bored, it has made me wonder if there couldn’t be a movement to get the original edition released, as I daresay it is probably a tighter movie with less padding…

For the record, I thought II was a far more exciting movie, III was strong as well, and IV made for a nice completion to the genesis trilogy. V outweighed most of the others in the charm and chemistry departments, but lacked a solid story. VI was pretty cool, but a little sterile. VII tried to be daring by jumping forward 78 years into the future, but the new cast members didn’t have the history of the original crew, and were unable to generate much in the span of an hour and a half. VIII was an improvement, and the introduction of the Borg as new villians was kinda cool. IX was absolutely dreadful, and X was perhaps the worst of the bunch. Hoping that it didn’t kill the movie series, though having ten movies over 23 years is pretty impressive.

According to Shatner’s “Star Trek Movie Memories”, he ran into Roddenberry in the mid-70’s and found him working on the script which would eventually become TMP. Shatner said Roddenberry’s original idea played up the possibility that the mysterious entity might be God.

The first movie sucked, but the other five were okay. The Journey Home is my favorite.

You have to admit the music score is fantastic, the best part of the movie IMHO.