I think it would be therapeutic to vent my life troubles on a weblog. So what’s a good way to get started? I’ve heard LiveJournal is free if someone wants to share their code with you. Is that a good site?
Any bloggers here? How has your blog been working out for you?
I’ve been mulling over starting one too. Call it a trade-off between wanting to write down my thoughts and keeping my private life private. There are more than enough LJ users here that at least one could provide you with a code you’d need.
My brother uses Blogger, but I don’t know anything about how it works differently.
It’s mainly a personal diary for myself, but if others want to read it… well, good for them.
Interesting is open to interpretation. I once had a relatively successfull message board (now defunct) that was pretty much a blog for my personal life. I figure this time around I’ll just make it into a blog and not burden people with the expectation that they have to reply to me or come up with solutions (which is what tends to happen with messageboards)
Would you mind posting the name of the journal? It’s fine if you want it to be private, but I’d like to add you to my friends list. (Also, be sure to join the SDMB community, assuming you’re on LiveJournal).
I’m a blogging addict.
Blogger is great and Free! but I wanted more control of content and no ads.
I’ve switched to Typepad (they have a free 30 day trial right now). It’s simple, clean-looking and has much more versatility.
I love it.
I got into it purely because (as a non-techie) I was thrilled to bits at making a web page on Geocities and wanted to keep it alive. I thought writing an on line diary was original. Since then, I’ve found out everyone’s doing it.
Regardless of the mechanics (whether to use Blogger, etc etc), there are two questions to ask…
Do you have something new to say, at least 2 or 3 times a week? I’m not sure there’s a point in doing a blog otherwise. It’s like keeping a diary on paper - you have to feel a need to do it.
Are you going to reveal your identity? It will seriously cramp your style if you do - friends and family will read it, but probably no-one else.
I suspect blogging is a mental health issue - but who cares?
Welcome to LJ, Blalron! The way I look at it, it’s not just a personal diary. It’s also a way to keep in touch with friends, make new friends, share ideas and thoughts and get feedback. In a lot of ways it’s like MPSIMS only more personalized. I don’t feel that I’ve got an obligation to be interesting; if someone doesn’t find my posts interesting enough for them they’re free not to read them, or to not friend me. Even though it’s more than just a diary, it’s still a diary, and it’s still mine, so I’ll write as a I please.