State of the Union Address, March 7, 2024

Johnson shaking his head when Biden mentions raising corporate taxes, while making sure that ordinary Americans will not pay more. Not a good look, sir.

Wow, Ted Cruz and the Sad Sack Caucus look especially miserable tonight.

Who keeps raising their cane during every standing ovation?

Band name!

Calling out the snack companies. Now he’s done it!

I believe that is Mr greene. The one who embarrassed Mr Johnson on the impeachment vote.

Kent clark

That was my favorite camera shot of the night so far. Those guys all looked like they’d swallowed scorpions.

Rep. Al Green

I don’t think I’d wanna’ play in that band.

I’m not watching, so I am delighted to read here that he’s coming out swinging. Here’s hoping he can shift the narrative away from “too old and frail.”

Wow Joe is TAUNTING them. I’m digging i.

Snap! Crackle! Pop!

Man, junk fees, shrinkflation, the border … They were having a drinking game over on the RW message board. So far, he’s hit a lot of points. They must be at least half-drunk by now. (No, I’m not going to look.)

He’s hit most of my bingo card.

Oh, he is beyond swinging! We are now in the wipe the floor portion of the night.

Liking this , he is not holding back.

Shame he fluffed the women’s voting power line when talking about roe vs wade , but still calling out the shitbags as the killers of civil liberties . I was thinking when MTG had that “ say her name” line someone should drop an dossier on them with the names of all the people killed by gun violence and say “ after you”
Which he kind of did just there . Calling them out on their hypocrisy and inaction.

Man oh man, he is kicking ass.

Interesting that, when Biden said “let’s work together so solve this border problem”, the speaker literally shook his head.

Work together? We can’t have that!


Did you see speaker roll his eyes? lol

I think James Lankford is thinking of becoming a Democrat.

What was that heckle just now? Somebody screaming something.