Steam: Your account creation request failed, please try again later.

OK, tried multiple times to create an account, and believe that despite their best efforts to make the graphic characters that I’m supposed to reproduce illegible, I am getting them right. Still I always get this message:

Your account creation request failed, please try again later.

Y’know folks, I really think that if you really won’t tell me anything specific about why you’re having a technical problem, that’s a sure sign that you know as much about technology as I know about how to tie a square knot in an infinitely small dimension. So I gotta turn to the Dope… anybody else encounter this, and what does one do? :mad:


Yeah, that seems to be what I needed to do. Note for future job interviews: state that I do in fact make such troubleshooting details explicit, and would happily fire anyone who wouldn’t be bothered.