Interesting board, had to contribute to this one, hi all
Ditto to above method, except I use an oversize glass quart measuring cup in the microwave, super simple. I’ve been eating steel cut oats every morning this way for years with this method, and couldn’t be consistent about this type of breakfast without it.
Here’s my method, the “NO EXCUSES simplest steel cut oats recipe”
one dish prep, no watching needed, and it cooks while I brush and floss before bed, so you really spend less than a minute making it and once you get the timing right it’s foolproof everytime!
The Method:
1/3 cup oats and approx 1 cup water (adjust to texture preferences), some cinnamon and raisins (the raisins, or nuts, or anything similar seem to also reduce boil over during microwaving)
Heat uncovered in microwave for 5-6 minutes, remove briefly to stir and cover tightly with plastic wrap, then just put it back in the microwave, but don’t start it, just leave it in there overnight to help retain heat and slowly cook/cool.
In the morning it’s always ready waiting for you, no excuse, just uncover and cook 1 minute if you like it warm, but I dig right in, or bring it to work to have at my desk, or refridge it for later.
I tried all the other ways too, but the only other one that was as simple, making it in bulk for the week, was always not quite as good as the day before, and by Friday… “gamey” comes to mind, lol.
I buy it by the 25lb case now from hunneyville grain’s site, consistantly fresh taste, very convenient , and at least as good as McCains tins of oats, imho.
Well, I hope someone finds this useful, it really helped me out to get a good breakfast when I just didn’t feel like it that morning… most important meal of the day!