Stefanik has said she'd betray American democracy: how the fuck is this not front page news?

Eh, they’ll mostly fall in line under the Trump regime. That’s where the money is, and that’s what their bosses will demand. Maybe there’ll be an Underground Railroad II for journalists retaining integrity to escape to Canada.

That’s why it’s not being amplified yet. Says who? You? Conventional wisdom? Polls? If people are arguing that we may not want to give Trump himself coverage of outrageous remarks, how about random politicians on the basis of, “they’re not VP yet, nor has their name really been uttered by Trump, but we’re pretty sure they will be”?

That’s our interpretation of the law. It’s not the interpretation of a lot of the MAGAs with actual political offices, like Empty G and Boebert. If Trump manages a win in 2024, I can’t imagine them losing the House, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they win back the Senate.

Those are the people charged with enforcing the law. If they interpret it so that the VP has this power, who will stop them? A lot of them voted just this way the last time, remember, even after the mob spent hours tromping around the building looking for them.

Send it to the Supreme Court? The Supreme Court dominated by GOP picks? Good luck.

She won’t be the presiding officer for the certification of the election of 2024 - part of what’s being certified is HER possible election as VP. Those results will be certified by Congress with Kamala Harris as the presiding officer.

Gonna need a vat. A big one.

Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) doesn’t see the situation in the same way that Stefanik does:

Nice, Dan. Now do Trump. Tell us about the guy who signed off on this little self-coup plan?!

I wonder who the sailor was who said: “lookee here! Whale poop! I think I smear some on my wife.”

Speaking of a piece of poop, Stefanik has shown that she has no limit on how she will go in order to be the veep pick. This should be a lot bigger story than it is but the media seems to be so tired of the Republican anti-democracy quote du jour that they don’t cover it. But they never seem to tire of “OMFG! Biden is old!”.

The messed up thing about this, is a GOP politician saying “The VP shouldn’t overthrow the results of an election and appoint a dictator” is basically them abdicating any possibility of joining the next GOP administration (and 100% definitely ruling out any chance of being VP).

And sure enough… JD Vance was floated as a possible Trump VP and, on cue, utters the requisite commitment to overthrowing democracy:

This really should be bigger news.

All of this should be bigger news. They are literally telling us they plan on stealing the election and instituting a dictatorship on day one. They are literally saying this aloud.

And in the meantime Trump has finished his not so hostile takeover of the Republican party with what happened at the RNC. Buckle up folks this is going to be a very bumpy ride.