Stefanik has said she'd betray American democracy: how the fuck is this not front page news?

How the fuck is this not front page news? The likely future candidate for VP just said she would usurp the will of the people and betray her position as President of the Senate, if she had been VP on Jan 6th 2021:

This is absolute insanity, the next time that happens (which seriously would anyone bet against at this point if Trump wins in November?), and if Stefanik is VP, she would not fulfill her oath and certify the election results. I mean, that she would not do so is not surpising (you don’t get to be front runner for Trumps VP in 2024 without agreeing to that). But that she just said it out loud on national TV, and it was greeted by collective shrug by the news media WTF?

Its currently right at the bottom of the CNN front page under the heading “Avlon says Stefanik’s remark should disqualify her from becoming VP” What are those remarks? Who is Avlon? Has someone just said they are going to usurp democracy if they are elected as VP? All that is left to your imagination if you don’t scroll down below (I’m not kidding) the “Whale poo has massive value” article. The top headline is: “Biden’s allies disagree on how to combat questions about his age”.

What the actual fuck. Trump being elected in 2016 was the fault of the news media, and they are doing their darndest to make sure he’s elected again in 2024.

Geepers, and here we were just discussing the definition of the “pick me” girl.

I tried to read the article, but my German is somewhat rusty.

I want to know the value of whale poo.
That said, nothing is too crazy anymore in politics.

She said it so the running mate picker will pick her. That’s as surprising as the Sun rising in the east.

She said it so the republican voters will vote for that slate. That’s as surprising as the Sun setting in the west.

And that’s the problem will these serial liars. We know exactly why she said it, but that tells us nothing about what she actually believes, or would do under similar circumstances. Even the people who want her to subvert democracy should be asking themselves if they really believe her, but I’m pretty sure they’re not that self-aware.

It’s not front page news because this is par for the course for Republicans in office these days. And the media has decided that because it’s “normal” and unsurprising, that makes it not really newsworthy.

No need to ask. It’s pretty obvious they believe the situation will occur again. And they want the trump-puppet party veep to ignore the constitution.

Assuming Trump/Stefanik is elected in 2024, the first time she could subvert a presidential election would be in January of 2029, when the 2028 election results are being certified. Our political system could look very, very different by then. I doubt predictions have any useful utility today.

That she agreed that with her running mate is about as surprising as the sun was rising in the east. Does anyone doubt that is the #1 requirement for any potential trump VP pick? (Maybe after “must not damage Trump’s fragile ego by being more charismatic or a potential replacement”) There wasn’t any need to announce it public (only Trump gets to pick his VP), and the news media should not have gone “meh” when she did.

Quite valueable, though there is debate whether it is vomit or poo. My bet is on poo.

(Apologies to the Mods for “the so far off topic that it is practically in orbit, hijacked by the Baader Meinhof gang” style response.)

You’re focusing on the wrong thing. Her comments are based on this election, not the following election. This isn’t about predicting that following election; it’s about observing this one. She made those comments fot the reasons I mentioned.

True but how regardless of exactly how it comes about (Trump trying to get a 3rd term, Donald Trump Junior, MTG, Trump clone grown in a test tube, or even more unlikely: Eric Trump) no one has any doubt that Jan 6th could happen again in some form in January 2029 if Trump is elected in 2024. The fact she just came out and said “If that happens when I’m VP, I would just flat out reject the rule of law and appoint a dictator, not like that loser Pence” is a monumental moment in the decline of the US republic, and its genuinely shocking it buried in the back pages.


Trump is better for ratings.

You don’t think his dumbass followers, aka the magatoflatearthers, won’t try to attack the Capitol again? I’d be surprised if any of the statehouses aren’t attacked on December 17, 2024.

So she’s counting on the MAGA rubes not knowing she will have no power to change the certification of the 2024 election?

She’s counting on them supporting her for supporting him.

although its hard to enjoy the better ratings for the gulag Trump’s planning to set up for unsupportive journalists.

JD Vance said that he also would not have done as Pence did. There are probably others who are VP wannabes as well.

Both sides are not the same. I hope the sane side is strong enough to withstand the continuing assault on democracy.

Dog bites man is not a story.