Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Should I read it?

I am a decently large Stephen King fan. Ok I love his books. Alas I have never read his dark tower series. Is it worth it? Will I be addicted from book 1? Is it true the DT books have references in other novels by King, namely Hearts in Atlantis?

Whats say you? Just how good are the DT series? And why?

If you like Stephen King, you’ll like the Dark Tower series. The first book is fairly engaging, but not overly so. However, the rest of the series is simply excellent. I think “Wizard and Glass” is one of the best books he’s ever written (and I confess that I’ve read most everything he’s written – he’s my airplane author of choice).

Read the first four, pretend he died in the car accident, and didn’t finish. Trust me.

Ok good so it’s definitely worth it… Good.

Pretend he died in the car accident huh?? Ok…

But DON’T read the updated versions. You’ll have to read the last book just for, uh, closure.

I love most of Stephen King’s books. I’ve read all of them except for the final Dark Tower book. (I read a good summary of it though, from Bev Vincent’s Road to the Dark Tower.)

Much as I hate to diss one of my favorite writers, I almost wish I had those reading hours (and the first edition money) back. I enjoyed the first book, and the fourth, and parts of the fifth.

Yes, there are connections with several of his other books, most notably Insomnia. (That should tell you something.) Pick up book 5 or 6 and look at the page where his other books are listed – the DT-related books are in boldface.

Overall it’s a very decent series, you’re probably better off than those of us who agonized waiting for the books to come out, especially the lag between Dark Tower III and Wizards. When you get to the end of DTIII, imagine waiting almost ten years for the next dose. It was the one time I considered writing to King. As you may have noticed, there is a general disagreement among Doper/King fans as to whether it ends ok, I myself was satisifed. As for related books, (yes Atlantis is one of them) here’s a partial list:

The Stand (and it’s sequel)
The Talisman
Salem’s Lot

There’s I think at least 5 more but I lent my copies out and don’t have any King novels handy. IMNSHO, no King story is a waste of time.

I’d say read it, and I’d echo Stuffy’s comments. I was stuck in the “long wait” too.

It’s a damn good saga, with compelling concepts. It was a mighty effort, and many parts of it are pure gold. I actually liked the ending. Not loved, but liked.

But if you’re looking for it to be the ultimate experience of your life, you’ll be disappointed.

This is just about the absolute inverse of my impression.

I loved The Gunslinger.

The Drawing of the Three left me feeling a little disappointed.

I put The Wastelands down in disgust about two-thirds through, and never picked it up again. I can’t speak to the quality of anything after that.

StuffyThe Stand has a sequel? What? It’s easily my favourite Stephen King novel. You don’t mean Black House, the sequel to The Talisman, do you? (I’m finally getting around to reading that now… Still on the first chapter.)

Maybe he means the uncut edition, published after King became an 800 lb gorilla in the publishing world. It’s got about 8 grillion more words, new characters, etc.

Is that it, Stuffy?

Oops! I added that as an after thought on preview without noticing I put it next to the wrong book, good catch.
Since everyone else is nitpicking, I hated 1, loved Drawing, Wastelands and Wizards. Wolves and Susanah were meh (with some great parts), and was mostly happy with Tower (except Susahnah’s ending).

I wish I could claim that was the mistake, even though I read it, next time post faster would ya! Man I could have had a perfectly good excuse…gurmble…

Well, then. I thought the first book was rough, but intriguing (I did like SK’s re-write where he brushed it up.) I loved II and III, but really only liked the contemporary parts of IV (I skip most of Roland’s youth part when I reread it), enjoyed, and liked V and VI, but not quite as much as II and III. The final volume had its compelling parts, but didn’t grip me like most of the rest of the series, save in a few places. I could never understand why Susannah didn’t get the artist to do a little body modification before she left. I was satisfied by the ending. But it wasn’t as good as sex.

Does that make sense? No? Good!

I really enjoy Stephen King, but I thought books V and VI were two of the worst books I have ever read in my life. Absolute garbage.

Wolves of the Calla sucked with the intensity of a thousand broke crackwhores. I hated it so much I didn’t bother with the remainder of the series.

Gaa! Don’t do that! I was scooping up the car keys, all set to zoom over to Barnes & Noble to find this book that I somehow overlooked!

I was stuck in the “long wait” too. I was so annoyed I stopped reading King all together. He was on my black list. I didn’t pick up another SK book until IV was out in trade paperback but I still haven’t read them. I’m going to wait until I have all of them and start again with Gunslinger.

Another vote for read it.

‘The Gunslinger’ was ok. ‘The Drawing of Three’ rocked. It is my favorite out of the series.


I went to Kings site ( to get the names of the books and found this:
“If you’ve ever wanted to be a character in a Stephen King novel, here’s your chance! From September 1-25, 2005, Auction Cause will be conducting an auction through eBay Giving Works in which 17 authors are auctioning the opportunity to be a character in an upcoming novel…” (snipped)

“…One (and only one) character name in a novel called CELL, which is now in work and which will appear in either 2006 or 2007.”

I thought he retired. I was bummed because he is my favorite writer and he announced his retirement awhile ago.

Woo HOO an new King book. Well, two actually. He is also putting out a new crime novel in October.

I knew I shouldn’t have believed the retirement stuff…

Anyway, on with the post.
I liked ‘The Waste Lands’, overall it was pretty good.

I thought ‘Wizard & Glass’ was not quite as good as the others but not bad.

Wolves of The Calla, eh, it was ok.

Song of Susannah, better than Calla but not as good as Drawing.

The Dark Tower. Loved it. When I picked up this book I was pretty convenced that it would suck. Why? King is one of my favorite writers but he has a habit of writing really crappy endings (Yes, IT, I’m talking about you) I read the book expecting it to suck and it didn’t. The ending wasn’t what I expected and I thought it was pretty good. I’m not sure of how else it could have ended actually.
If you like King I would recommend the whole series.


I still haven’t read the seventh book, but I was well disappointed with the direction King went in in the sixth.

To be honest, in a lot of ways it read like a self-insertion fanfic. And that sucked ass. I wish he hadn’t put himself in it like that.

You and me both. What a complete and utter waste of several dozen pages and story arc.