Stinky Memory-Foam Mattress

So, the wife and I recently (about 2 months ago) bought a new memory-foam mattress. We have been noticing an unpleasant smell coming from it. When it is freshly made it can be hard to detect, but if you move it kinda exudes a little bit. We stripped the bed and left it open for a while and the whole room smells pretty strong. The mattress sellers call it “out-gassing” and say it should “go away pretty soon.”

Has anyone encountered this, does it go away, or is there some way to fix it?


It goes away soon. :wink:

Or you get used to it as the fumes kill brain cells.

We bought the best seller one from Amazon not too long ago.

Quite noticeable for a few days, barely noticeable for a couple weeks. Nothing since. And I’m a pretty good smeller. (I mean …)

But the reviews indicate that this is not everyones experience. Same model, etc., but for some the smell never goes away. Apparently there is a quality control issue for this model.

I.e., you may have a lemon.

Try a mattress cover.

That is one hell of a smell, if you can feel it.

What you’re smell is a spammer.
Reported. (The spammer)