Stock my deodorant, fuckers....

Well nevermind… I went to and they have FREE shipping. Yay!!

I have to avoid many types, and always need unsented or I break out. Do you know what the companies always drop? They drop the only one that I can wear, and then I have to break out trying new ones. That’s irritation two ways.

Just to clarify, I am not alergic to deodorants. Simple deodorants are rare these days, though. Most are combo deodorant/antiperspirants, and the aluminum salts in the anti-perspirant make my pits itch like crazy.

I like the arm and hammer ones because they have “the pwoer of baking soda” (ok, I feel for the marketing jargon, but still, I feel it does a superior job). You just can’t harldy ever find the shit.

I found it today at the local walgreens. Bitches charged me 3.50 for it. You can bet the next time I get paid, I’m dropping the 25 bucks on 5 years worth of deodorant :slight_smile:

Wait a minute…you’re comparing prices against that store that never has it? Haven’t you ever heard that old joke?

“Why are you charging $10 for a hammer? The hardware store across the street has hammers for $5.”
“So, go buy it there.”
“Well, they’re out of hammers.”
“When we’re out of them, we sell them for $5 too.”
And why on earth would you think you needed to buy 8 sticks of deodorant from to meet the $25 minimum? You could buy 2 or 3 sticks of deodorant, and some other stuff that you need anyway. Surely you use shampoo or razor blades or Tylenol or something…
Though I am kinda loving the idea of the Deodorant Closet. Can you imagine if a guest accidentally stumbled across it? What would you say to them?

That brings up an interesting question–if you were a guest in someone’s house, and you opened a door thinking it was the bathroom, and found a Deodorant Closet instead…would you say something or just close the door quietly and walk away…

I don’t have an answer for you, but I’m dying of curiosity here. What brand of deodorant do you use that is so rare and difficult to find?



I’m fairly certain I’ve bought it from Meijer before…in fact I beleive that’s where I discovered it.

As for buying 25 bux worth…I buy tylenol, vitamins, soap, shampoo, and other things at CostCo, so I have all that I need for a long while, and no need to buy more, especially if it’s overpriced. And I shave with an electric razor. I didn’t go shopping around there looking for other overpriced stuff I could buy, I figured I could just buy what I needed of one overpriced thing and save myself the headache of finding it again.

My eyes must be tired. First time around, I read that last word as ‘sweating’. :smiley:

Please help me to fight my ignorance here - doesn’t your anti-perspirant stop working after several months, forcing you to change brands? Mine does. Maybe I have defective pits.

Holy s*it! I got my order today! Less than 24 hours! I LOVE!

I swear I just saw some of that today at Meijer, I bought the Co-co Wheats instead though, I love it when the kids go back to school!

Green Bean - I don’t have a deodorant closet per se, but I have a linen stock closet, with no less than a dozen of each person’s deodorant, shampoo, shave gel, soap, toothpaste, other bathroom needs, and laundry and cleaning supplies. As one gets taken out, I’ll buy a new one to replace it. I front face, and rotate it as well. I’ve had guests stumble upon it, and think it’s pretty much on par for me, as I’m far from normal anyhow. Then I show them my walk in pantry, then they know I’m nuts! :smiley: I just lightly chalk it up to being married to a Boy Scout, I like to be prepared.

I have a “beauty closet”… it’s close by, let me check…

*25 bottles of shampoo and conditioner
*10 tubes of toothpaste
*9 toothbrushes
*7 deodorizers (counting Axe and Tag) (I’m running low; my husband applies deodorant like spackle and has started using mine 'cuz he thinks it works better. I swear the man goes through a stick of deodorant in two weeks)
*5 hand soaps

And actually, we’re in the middle of moving so I don’t have all of my stuff here. I buy on clearance, with coupons plus my employee discount, and all of that stuff put together cost me *maybe * $20. It won’t go bad, and I never have to buy anything at full price.

Of course, we’re out of toilet paper right now, so I’m not always on top of the stockpile… :smack:

He must have seen to many of those Lady’s Secret commercials.

I fear that my deodorant and after shave (Paco Rabanne; don’t laugh) are going to go away any day, but they haven’t for like 30 years so far…but that means nothing to those marketing jackals…


Sorry, couldn’t help that. :smiley:

Dude, everyone does that with Kirk’s castile. At the store where I work people buy them by the armfuls. That’s really weird. Is it made of pure awesome? I’ll have to try it.