Stop Fucking Calling Me Governor Ahhnuld!

I am pissed. I am more than pissed. I live in California, a generally nice place to live, if you can ignore a lot of stupidity. I certainly didn’t vote for Arnold and the recall, but now that he is in place he has done little that pissed me off personally. Well now him and his fucking “Governors Team to Turn California Around” have gone too damn far. I just got a motherfucking call in my own home that had a pre-recorded message with Arnold urging me to call my State Senator and urge them to pass the budget. I hate getting pre-recorded calls, from anyone. That the governor would use my tax money to fucking spam me on a nice relaxing day really really pisses me off. Well Arnold, I am going to call me state senator, to complain about you. Then I am going to call you! and raise hell until I get my number taken off whatever damned list you are using. You didn’t provide me with that option in your pre-recorded call, but I am going to find away. And finally, next gubernatorial election, I am going to actively work against you. I was going to give you a chance, but that changes now. Go back to making campy movies, and leave politics the fuck alone asshole!

I don’t care about the OP, since I don’t live in Cali. But as a Wodehouse fan, I salute you on your username!

Blood pressure pills now

Don’t answer the phone unless you know who it is.

Let some other person you trust take the phone calls for you.

All in all relax.

Oh, I thought the OP was complaining about someone calling him “Governer Ahhnuld”. Funny how the mind works (or doesn’t).

Never mind.

God damn, I know exactly how the OP feels. My US Senator, Tom Tancreedo uses his franking privledges to send, long, pointless, racist, homophobic screeds against all these damn Mexicans and fags ruining our lives.


Heh. I thought he was getting sick of people calling Governor Schwatzenegger “Ahnuld,” and was complaining about it in a faux-cockney accent.

Wait, you have Arnold on your answering machine?

That’s awesome!

Caller ID is your friend.

I can’t believe he expects us to just assume the budget is perfect, sight-unseen. “Doesn’t matter! Just tell them to approve it! DO IT!” Lemme give that puppy a once-over, THEN I’ll tell you what I think of it, dumbass.

Is it okay if we call you Admiral Ahnuld?

WTF? What is happening in CO? Is a US Senator actually doing this? Let’s all gang up on him if so.

Californian: “And why should I tell them to approve your budget Arnold?”

  Arnold: "Because I'm going to say *pleeeaaaaseee!*"

I don’t live in CA and IANAL and I don’t even know if this is true (is that enough of a disclaimer??)
But, I seem to recall someone telling me once that in California, it is illegal to have a machine call someone. I think this was because Telemarketers were having machines call people and if someone picked up, a real person would call back. That way, the people didn’t waste time calling answering machines.
I don’t know if this is true and if it is, I don’t know if it applies to politicians but you might want to look into it. I’d look for you but I haven’t the faintest idea of how to start.

Yah. The comma is your friend.

Huh? Could you elaborate on why you’ve included all the sarcasm here?

Yes, it is pit-worthy that a politician wastes my own tax-dollars on the paper, envelopes, and stamps to provide me with a politically motivated and biased schpeel (sp?) about all the people that have the gall to fail to be straight, white, live in the 'Burbs, and drive SUV’s, and how they’re fucking up the straightness, whiteness, 'Burbness, and SUV’ness for the rest of us.

Hmm. Sounds like a bunch of girlie-man whining to me…

We’ve got a statewide election coming up here Aug 5th. Voting for Govenor on down to the county coroners. The last month has been one after another visitor to the door, “My husband/daughter/father/grandmother is running for coroner/sherrif/prosecutor/street sweeper guy.” I now have a stock answer for any and all of them.

Ya know, this is my house. I work between 60 and 80 hours a week to pay for this house, my taxes, and all my other living expenses. I do this because I enjoy spending time relaxing here and not being bothered. Now, you’re here bothering me. I am a citizen, I get my info about candidates from the papers, TV, and the internet. I have come to a new policy regarding people that knock on my door. If you’re selling something, I’m not buying. If you’re campaigning for someone, I’m not voting for them. Have a nice day.

Time out for a spelling lesson…

spiel is the correct spelling (you appear to have the pronunciation down). It is Yiddish in character, deriving from the German word for play, or game.

Carry on.

…and I thought he was complaining about his partner fantasizing about him being Conan the Barbarian during sex.

Shows what I know.

Well, this thread has made me feel a lot better, though my English 100 professor would find my lack of proper puncutation in the my title appalling. For the record, I followed up on my threat to call the governor’s office today, and attempted to be connected to Constituent Affairs representative. Unfortunately, the wait was too long and I had to get back to work (Admittedly, I called late in my lunch hour) Tomorrow I get off work at three, and shall use my time then! Soon, very soon, we are switching to naked dsl at home, and then I can abandon my land line and Arnold will not be able to spam me. So HA! to you, Governor Arnold!
P.S. I am a girlie-man and I am not ashamed of it :slight_smile: . That was one controversy that I felt was making a mountain over a molehill, and my husband and all my friends agree.